Run-On Sentences A run-on is two or more complete sentences that are not properly joined or separated. Run-ons are usually the result of haste.
Two Kinds of Run-ons: One kind is made up of two or more sentences run together without any punctuation between them. This type of run-on is called a fused sentence. The other type of run-on consists of two or more sentences separated only by a comma (instead of a comma and a conjunction or a semicolon). This is called a comma splice.
Run-Ons With No Punctuation With only a Comma I use our library often the reference section is my favorite. The keyboard makes sounds when the keys are depressed, the harpsichord, piano, and organ are keyboard instruments.
Three Ways to Correct Run-on Sentences: 1. Using End Marks: Use an end mark to separate a run-on sentence into two. Properly used, an end mark splits run-on into two shorter but complete sentences. Be sure the end mark is appropriate to the function of the first sentence. 2. Using Commas and Coordinating Conjunctions: Use a comma and a coordinating conjunction to combine two independent clauses into a compound sentence. (and, but, or, for, and nor.) To separate the two clauses properly, it is necessary to use both a comma and a coordinating conjunction. 3. Using Semicolons: Use a semicolon to connect two closely related ideas. Semicolons should only be used when the ideas in both parts of the sentence are closely related.
Using End Marks Run-On: Though he began losing his hearing early in his career the composer Ludwig van Beethoven continued to write music he completed some of his most famous works after he was totally deaf. Corrected Sentences: Though he began losing his hearing early in his career, the composer Ludwig van Beethoven continued to write music. He completed some of his most famous works after he was totally deaf. Run-On: Have you head of the kettledrum, I thought kettles were for the kitchen. Corrected Sentences: Have you head of the kettledrum? I thought kettles were for the kitchen.
Using Commas and Coordinating Conjunctions Run-On: My mother and father practiced the viola with the Cleveland Orchestra on Saturday, I stay home to practice the violin. Corrected Sentence: My mother and father practice the viola with the Cleveland Orchestra on Saturday, and I stay home to practice the violin. Run-On: I want to go to the symphony, I haven’t any money. Corrected Sentence: I want to go to the symphony, but I haven’t any money.
Using Semicolon Run-On: The first performance begins at 6:30, the second show doesn’t start until 9:15. Corrected Sentence: The first performance begins at 6:30; the second show doesn’t start until 9:15. Run-On: The oboist sounded an A, the rest of the orchestra tuned their instruments to that note. Corrected Sentence: The oboist sounded an A; the rest of the orchestra tuned their instruments to that note.