Mrs. Griffith & Mrs. Young December 16, 2016 Classroom News Dates to Remember Classroom News 12/14 – 12/20 Book Fair 1-4 p.m. daily as well as available during the winter concert and 5-8:30 p.m. on December 20th **Mrs. Young’s class will visit the Book Fair on Monday.** Tuesday 12/20 - Winter Concert – 7:30 for 4th grade. 12/23 - 1/2 - Winter Break **After you have read this newsletter, write a note in your student’s planner for Monday and they will receive a Titan Ticket.** **WINTER BREAK BEGINS FRIDAY 12/23** Our character will be Integrity. Winter Concert Reminder: Tuesday December 20th, 2016 7:30PM Should report to their classroom by 7:10. Concert Attire: Students should dress up! Examples: dresses, skirts, nice shirts, polo shirt, button up shirt, dress pants, khakis…Please no jeans, clothing with holes in it, or shirts with pictures and words on the front. ---- Ms. Gabrielson | Music and Band Yearbooks can be ordered now! If you didn’t get the order form that came home in early November, you can order online at and use our school code of 13058917 Mrs. Griffith Mrs. Young 320-281-4430
What we are learning in Literacy What we are learning in Math Science We have been learning what plants need for survival with these guiding questions: What does it take for a plant species to survive? What strategies do different plants use to survive? Our next topic will be guided by the following question: 1. What adaptations help animals survive? What we are learning in Literacy Reading – This week our focus was on reviewing nonfiction text structures (chronological, compare/contrast, cause/effect, problem/solution) and identifying these structures in our books. Writing – We are practicing writing thesis statements using Box and Bullets. Ask your student to show you how this helps organize their thoughts. **After a lot of thought and discussion with the students, we have decided that we need a 3-subject notebook for Literacy. We are currently using separate notebooks and it is challenging for students to stay organized. I understand that this is an unexpected request and I will have extra notebooks available. This change will happen after Winter Break. I would prefer a YELLOW 3-subject notebook, but any color will be fine. Remember – all school supplies (used and unused) will l be returned at the end of the year. What we are learning in Math Number Corner – We are learning about pentominoes and how many different shapes can all have the same area, but change their perimeter and number of sides. Math – We will continue to work on fractions and learning more about them. We will compare, create, and decompose fractions and Mixed Numbers. We will use Geoboards to help us with equivalent fractions as well as learn some new games that will help us to practice. Please work with your student on these and ask to see their homework. If we work together I know we will see even better things from this group of kiddos! Lunch Menu Monday: Beef Hamburger Tuesday: Chicken Corndog Wednesday: Beef/Turkey Taco Thursday: Chicken Nuggets Friday: NO SCHOOL
Insert as many text boxes as you need Insert as many text boxes as you need! Use this page to type letters home, create a writing page for students, or any other document you wish to create!