STATUS of Global Producing Center - Beijing Peiqun Zhang ( Beijing Climate Center, CMA, Beijing, 100081 Meeting of the joint CBS/CCl ET-OPSLS, 10-14 March 2014, Exeter, UK
Current system BCC CM1.0 (BCC AGCM1.1 & CGCM1.1) Atmos: T63 (~180km), 16 vertical levels Ocean: IAP/BCC OGCM, Grid 1.875°x1.875°, 30 vertical levels LRF SST:1-tier method; Daily flux adjustment coupled Ens gen: Atm-LAF(last 8 daily GloAna of each month) Oce-BCC GODAS1.0 (6 Perturbation by the end of each month) Forecast: 48 members to 7-11 months (run before 15th every month) Hindcast: 1982-2003 (22 years) ERF SST:2-tier method; latest weekly SST persisted anomaly Ens gen: LAF(00h 06h 12h 18h GloAna of each day) SVD(4 Perturbation each day) Forecast: 8 members run to 45 days each day: 40 members (over 5 days) Meeting of the joint CBS/CCl ET-OPSLS, 10-14 March 2014, Exeter, UK
2nd Climate Model System (Exp. Op Dec. 2013): BCC_CSM1 (AGCM+AVIM+OGCM+SIS) BCC AGCM2.2:T42L26->T106L26 (~110km) Originated from CAM3, Improved Dynamics: Wu et al.(2008, J.Atmos.Sci.) and Physics:Wu et al. (2010, Climate Dynamics): Deep convection:modified Zhang and Mu (2005) scheme . Dry Adiabatic Snow cover fraction parameterization (Wu T. and Wu G., 2004) Sensible and latent flux parameterization on the ocean- Atmosphere interface are modified. A new cumulus convective parameterization scheme Wu (2012: Climate Dynamics) MOM4_L40v2 Originated from MOM4 developed by GFDL, Tri-pole gridpoints 1º×1º, 1/3º meridionally in tropics,40 vertical layers, coupled with a carbon cycle module (from OCMIP2) with simple biogeochemical processes. BCC AVIM1.0 Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere Transfer module (a multi-layer snow-soil scheme same as NCAR CLM3) with Snow Cover Fraction scheme (sub-grid topography), Vegetation growth module, Soil carbon decomposition module, Land use change scheme (crop planting area) SIS From Sea Ice Simulator (SIS) developed by GFDL. Same resolution with oceanic GCM. 3 vertical layers, including 1 snow cover and 2 sea ice layers of equal thickness. Involving the Elastic–Viscous–Plastic dynamic process and Semtner’s thermodynamic process. Meeting of the joint CBS/CCl ET-OPSLS, 10-14 March 2014, Exeter, UK
Configuration of System: Model ERF: BCC_AGCM2.2(T106L26) LRF: BCC_CSM1.1-m (BCC_AGCM2.2 + BCC_AVIM1.0 + MOM4_L40v2 + SIS) Initialization Atm: CMA NWP analysis for Forecast & NCEP Reanalysis for Hindcast Ocean and Sea Ice: BCC-GODAS2.0 for LRF & latest weekly SST persisted anomaly for ERF Land: BCC-AVIM1.0 Generation of Ensemble Member: ERF: LAF(00h 06h 12h 18h) 4 members run to 45 days each day. 20 members (over 5 days) ensemble for 6 times per month LRF: 24 members to 8-13 months (run before 15th every month) (1) LAF/15 samples: 5 atmos IC (interval 12hr) from NMC/CMA analysis, and 3 Ocean IC from BCC GODAS2.0 (2) Singular Vector forecast: 9 samples Hindcast: 1991-2013 Meeting of the joint CBS/CCl ET-OPSLS, 10-14 March 2014, Exeter, UK
Support of RCCs, NMHSs and RCOFs Products Dissemination Graphical products disseminated freely at BCC website: for ERF for LRF Digital data (seasonal forecast and hindcast) download on request at: for registered user Digital forecast and hindcast outputs also sent to WMOLC- LRFMME routinely Users LC-LRFMME, APCC, RCC (Beijing) NMHSs (China and partner countries in RA II) to support operational activities of seasonal prediction to assist decision-making of governmental agencies/sectors user for agriculture and risk management of flood and drought, etc. RCOF (FOCRAII, SASCOF, EASCOF, etc. through RCC) Meeting of the joint CBS/CCl ET-OPSLS, 10-14 March 2014, Exeter, UK
2nd Generation 1st Generation Obs from IRI Meeting of the joint CBS/CCl ET-OPSLS, 10-14 March 2014, Exeter, UK 13-11-25-27
Products Developing: MJO & BSISO RMM Indice BSISO: Indice 8d 12-13d Model: BCCCSM 1.1m (couple model) T106 Design: 2001–2010 (10 years) Jan–Dec (12 months) total 120 samples Initialization: 2 month nudging (NCEP) Start time: 00Z Forecast: 1 month Output: Wind, TMP, PREC, OLR, Shum(DAILY) POST: Horizontal and vertical interpolation Meeting of the joint CBS/CCl ET-OPSLS, 10-14 March 2014, Exeter, UK
(1)EOF result from NCEP vs BCC CSM1.1m BCC-CGCM
MJO Temp-Spat Spectrum (2)Performance of BCC CSM1.1m on MJO & BSISO MJO Temp-Spat Spectrum NCEP-OLR EOF1+2: 26% BCC-CGCM T106 - OLR EOF1+2: 18% BSISO
GPC Beijing Available Products (additional) Variables: Precip., Ts., SST, (OLR…) Circulation: H500, U/V200, U/V850, T Index: Nino, IOD, EASMI, Subtropical High, …… Resolution: Precip/Ts/SST: 2.5x2.5 1.0x1.0 Circulation: 2.5x2.5 (enough?) Frequency: Daily/Pentad for ERF Monthly for LRF(Seasonal) Leadtime: 10-30 days 10-50 days 1-3months (1 seasonal forecast) 4-9months (2-3 seasonal forecast) Meeting of the joint CBS/CCl ET-OPSLS, 10-14 March 2014, Exeter, UK
Ongoing Work Operational seasonal climate prediction using BCC_CSM1.1m (~ 110 km) Verification Products Developing Developing high resolution version BCC_CSM2.0 Meeting of the joint CBS/CCl ET-OPSLS, 10-14 March 2014, Exeter, UK
Upgrades of System: BCC_CSM1 (AGCM+AVIM+OGCM+SIS)BCC_CSM2 BCC AGCM2.2:T42L26->T106L26 (~110km) BCC AGCM3.0: T266 (~45km) Originated from CAM3, Improved Dynamics: Wu et al.(2008, J.Atmos.Sci.) and Physics:Wu et al. (2010, Climate Dynamics): Deep convection:modified Zhang and Mu (2005) scheme . Dry Adiabatic Snow cover fraction parameterization (Wu T. and Wu G., 2004) Sensible and latent flux parameterization on the ocean- Atmosphere interface are modified. A new cumulus convective parameterization scheme Wu (2012: Climate Dynamics) MOM4_L40v2 MOM4_L50 Originated from MOM4 developed by GFDL, Tri-pole gridpoints 1º×1º, 1/3º meridionally in tropics,40 vertical layers, coupled with a carbon cycle module (from OCMIP2) with simple biogeochemical processes. BCC AVIM1.0 BCC AVIM2.0 Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere Transfer module (a multi-layer snow-soil scheme same as NCAR CLM3) with Snow Cover Fraction scheme (sub-grid topography), Vegetation growth module, Soil carbon decomposition module, Land use change scheme (crop planting area) SIS CICE From Sea Ice Simulator (SIS) developed by GFDL. Same resolution with oceanic GCM. 3 vertical layers, including 1 snow cover and 2 sea ice layers of equal thickness. Involving the Elastic–Viscous–Plastic dynamic process and Semtner’s thermodynamic process. Meeting of the joint CBS/CCl ET-OPSLS, 10-14 March 2014, Exeter, UK
Thank you for your attention Meeting of the joint CBS/CCl ET-OPSLS, 10-14 March 2014, Exeter, UK 13-11-25-27