BEHAVIOUR DIAMOND Overview Behaviour diamonds can be used to set discipline within clubs/teams, based on mutual respect and support. They set out how coaches can reward respectful behaviours, but also outlines the consequences for not maintaining a specified level of behaviour. The aim of a behaviour diamond is to increase positive behaviours and remove negative behaviours. You can develop your own behaviour diamond for your club/sport and set your own rewards and consequences. Using a behaviour diamond is most effective when the whole team agree on it. You can edit and print the diamond and use it for your own reference or display it in the club. You can also insert your own club logo.
BEHAVIOUR DIAMOND Selected for team of the year Nominated for team of the year Nominated for annual respect award Recognition on monthly respect board Example highlighted within weekly messages Respect reward Group praise as a teachable moment Praise and encouragement Spoken to about behaviour Behaviour noted and recorded Removed from drill Removed from rest of training session Dropped from next training session Dropped for next match Removed from team Removed from club Rate this tool! Give us your feedback.