Create a Facebook Page of Maria von Trapp – Using this template A. Insert photos and information found on the internet about Maria von Trapp in the spaces provided in the following Facebook pages. Photos may include pictures from the movie and from real life. You may changer her profile page. To resize pictures always use the corner handle. Never resize pictures from the side or the top. Your quotes need to be based on what we saw in the Sound of Music. B. When you are finished with the pages: Spell check your assignment. Check for missing information. Save the project as “_(insert your name) von Trapp” and submit the project online to the drama page on my webpage. Submit to either, finished or not finished. Only submit once and make sure that your document has loaded. Print a copy of your project, even if it is not finished. Turn in your printed project, if it is finished. If it is not finished, then place in your binder to work on tomorrow.
Facebook Maria von Trapp is Wall Photos Flair Boxes Maria von Trapp Logout Maria von Trapp is Wall Info Photos Boxes Write something… Share View photos of JFK (5) Photo Friedrich von Trapp Sorry about misplacing that frog in your pocket. Hope you could forgive us. Send Maria a message Poke message Photo Captain von Trapp Fraulein, is it to be at every meal, or merely at dinnertime, that you intend on leading us all through this rare and wonderful new world of... indigestion? January 5, 1965 Information Networks: (city) Birthday: (Look up her real birthday) Political: (What would she have listed ?) Religion: (her religion) Hometown: (city and country) Photo Mother Abbess Maria, these walls were not meant to shut out problems. You have to face them. You have to live the life you were born to live. January 2, 1965 Photo Liesl von Trapp I'm Liesl. I'm sixteen years old and I don't need a governess. January 1, 1965 Friends Maria Von Trapp I can't seem to stop singing wherever I am. And what's worse, I can't seem to stop saying things - anything and everything I think and feel. December 17, 1964 Photo Photo Photo Name Name Photo Captain von Trapp You brought music back into the house. I had forgotten. November 12, 1964 Photo Photo Name Name
Maria von Trapp is excited to be a mother and wife. Facebook Wall Photos Flair Boxes Maria von Trapp Logout Maria von Trapp is excited to be a mother and wife. Wall Info Photos Boxes Basic Information Networks: Sex: Birthday: Hometown: Relationship Status: Married to Political Views: Religious Views: View photos of Maria (5) Send Maria a message Poke message Personal Information Activities: Interests: Favorite Music: Favorite Movies: Favorite TV Shows: Favorite Books: Information Networks: Birthday: Political: Religion: Hometown: Contact Information Photos 2 Albums Address: Phone Number: The Family Updated last Tuesday Our Wedding Updated two months ago
Name ______________________________________________ Facebook Wall Photos Flair Boxes Maria von Trapp Logout Name ______________________________________________ Wall Info Photos Boxes Photos of Maria and her family 8 Photos Maria’s Albums 2 Photo Albums 5 photos The Family 5 photos The White House 1 photo Profile Pictures