Your Country is …make up something that has to do with facebook Wall Photos Flair Boxes Your Country Logout Your Country is …make up something that has to do with Wall Info Photos Boxes Write something… Share View photos (6) Your Country is saying something that deals with America’s motivation for Imperialism Make up a Date and accurate year Send a message Poke message USA to Your Country responds to your quote Make up a Date and accurate year Information Networks: What region. Birthday: Make this up Political: How were they ruled? Hometown: Any city in that country Your Country is saying something else that deals with America’s motivation for imperialism Make up a Date and accurate year USA to Your Country responds again Make up a date and an accurate year Friends USA Other Other Other Other Other
Your Country is …… make something up here. facebook Wall Photos Flair Boxes Your Country Logout Your Country is …… make something up here. Wall Info Photos Boxes Basic Information Birthday: Make it up Networks: Region of the World for your country Hometown: Make it up Relationship Status: Make it up Political Views: How was the country run before America showed up View photos of (6) Send a message Poke message Personal Information Activities: Make this up, what was life like in the country before America showed up? Interests: Why did America find this place useful? Employer: How did your country make money? Favorite Movies: Make this up, have fun with it. What connections can you make with your country and a movie that you have seen recently? (EC points for this part +5 for 5 movies) Information Networks: Region here Birthday: Make it up Political: How were they run before USA Hometown: Same city as Contact Info Contact Information Photos 2 Albums Address: Use a city in the country and a phony address Phone Number: The Key Payers Scenes of your place (next Page) The Money Pics of the industry of your place (next page)
Your Country is…… Same update from page above. facebook Wall Photos Flair Boxes Your Country Logout Your Country is…… Same update from page above. Wall Info Photos Boxes Photos of your Country 3 Photos that show A) the key players in Imperialism B) The way your land made money Albums 2 Photo Alums 3 photos The Economy 3 photos The Key Players