Yuichi Terashima (Ehime U.)


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Presentation transcript:

Yuichi Terashima (Ehime U.) Rare AGN Populations Found in the XMM-Newton Serendipitous Source Sample Yuichi Terashima (Ehime U.) ``New Type of Obscured AGNs (K. Noguchi, Y. Ueda) Obscured AGNs in AKARI Infrared Sources (Y. Hirata, H. Matsuhara, S. Oyabu) Variability Selection of IMBH candidates (N. Kamizasa, H. Awaki)

1. Introduction Various populations must be sampled to understand AGN unification/evolution. Many serendipitous X-ray sources in the XMM archives. Serendipitous source catalogue ~260000 sources listed (CR in various bands, hardness ratios, etc.) Watson+09

Our Targets Obscured AGNs Low-mass Supermassive BHs ``New type’’: large solid anlge is obscured by geometrically thick absorber New Obscured AGNs in infrared sources Low-mass Supermassive BHs (or Intermediate-mass BHs)

2. ``New Type’’ of Obscured AGNs C: JAXA Swift/BAT selected AGN Suzaku follow up Swift J0601 Ueda+07 Very weak scattering compont ``New Type’’: Obscured by geometrically thick torus

New Sample of Obscured AGNs Noguchi, YT+, ApJ, 2009, 2010 3% 0.5% 10% 1024cm-2 NH f scat our sample 1023cm-2 2XMM Catalogue 246897 sources Hardness selection 1-2, 2-4.5, 4.5-12 keV HR3 HR4 1 2 4.5 12 (keV) Soft PL normalization Hard PL normalization 32 objects selected log NH 23-24, fscat <10% XMM spectra analyzed fscat =

Examples New Type (fscat < 0.5%): 8 objects found fscat= F(0.5-2) / F(2-10) (absorption corrected) fscat= 0.1% fscat= 1% fscat= 10% Photons/cm2 s keV 0.5 1 2 5 10 (keV) 0.5 1 2 5 10              (keV) 0.5 1 2 5 10   (keV) New Type (fscat < 0.5%): 8 objects found

L[OIII]/L2-10 vs fscat [OIII] optical narrow line: photoionized gas in the opening part of absorber > 1 % XMM sample fscat < 1 % Ueda+07 prediction Weaker optical lines expected for ``new type’’ Optically selected sample log L[OIII] / L2-10 Optical emission- line selection: biased against objects with small opening angle log L[OIII] / L2-10

3 Obscured AGNs in Infrared Galaxies Reprocessed IR emission from dust heated by central AGN is expected IR selection effective to search for hidden AGNs Spitzer+XMM/Chandra e.g., Poletta+08, Fiore+09, …

AKARI All Sky Survey AKARI + XMM catalog A New classification Diagram Catalog URL: http://darts.isas.jaxa.jp/astro/akari/ 9, 18, 65, 90, 140, 160 micron 844649 9 micron 373819 90 micron sources AKARI + XMM catalog A New classification Diagram New obscured AGNs Blue: 9 mm Green: 18 mm Red: 90 mm

CR – FIR Diagram: Classification of Activity NH = 0 1023.5 cm-2 Sample: 272 objects X-IR separation < 20 arcsec |b| > 10 deg 18 mm & 90 mm quality flag = 3 Need only ``X-ray CR and IR flux’’ classification possible w/out distance / spectra ● Seyfert 2 ○ Seyfert 1 ★HII ■LINER □ transition ♢ambiguous △unclassified * Galactic Ir units CR4.5-12 – CR2-4.5 CR4.5-12 + CR2-4.5 HR4 =

New AGNs PL = 1.8 fixed J0505 J0525 NH = 6.5x1023 cm-2 NH values J0505 J0525 J0539 J0543 Hirata+, in prep

4. Variability Selection of IMBHs SMBHs have grown through mass accretion and merger. Relatively low-mass SMBHs (or IMBHs <2x106Msolar): important class to understand AGN evolution. X-ray variability time scale --- related to BH mass Normalized excess variance (NXS): NXS – MBH correlation (e.g. Zhou+10, Ponti talk)

Selection Criteria Probability that the source is constant < 1×10-5  718 sources in 2XMMi DR3 Not in SFR, SMC, LMC. Not stellar source Sources w/ Non-AGN type LC/Specta excluded  13 BLS1, 21 NLS1, 5 quasars, 2 unclassified AGN 3 NEW AGNs, Peculiar AGNs? Probability that the source is constant < 1×10-5 Count rate in 0.2-12 keV >= 0.1 counts/sec Galactic latitude |b| >= 10° .

New AGNs: Light Curves and Spectra Kamizasa+, in prep MBH = 2.6x105Msolar MBH = 1.1x106Msolar MBH = 1.8x106Msolar PL G = 1.83 BB kT=0.10 keV, PL G = 1.85 BB kT=0.14 keV, PL G = 2.35 1 10 Energy (keV) 1 10 Energy (keV) 1 10 Energy (keV) BLS1-like BLS1-like NLS1-like

BH mass and Eddington Ratio 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 106 107 108 log L2-10 MBH / M C ■ : Sy1 + Sy2 + QSO ■ : NLSy1 ■ : Unclassified AGN   : Eddington luminosity (Bolomtric correction factor 20 assumed) 5 objects: <106 Msolar 8 objects: Super Eddington Variability selection --- effective to select growing BHs.

Peculiar AGN? No signal above 1.7 keV Optical (SDSS) counter part: Terashima+, in prep No signal above 1.7 keV Optical (SDSS) counter part: Galaxy at photo-z = 0.128 0.44-1.7 keV 3s uuper limit (G=2 PL assumed) MCD 0.21 keV or compTT kTe = 0.19 keV t = 27 1 2 5 Energy (keV) PN Soft thermal emission ONLY AGN in High/Soft state? -> Variability NOT compatible New state or Extreme soft excess in NLS1? MOS 1 2 Energy (keV)

Summary 2XMM catalogue: ``Rare’’ AGN population can be found by applying various selection criteria. ``New type’’ AGNs obscured by geometrically thick absorber found by HR-HR selection. New X-IR diagram developed to efficiently classify activities. 4 New Obscured AGNs found We constructed a new sample of IMBH candidates 3 NEW IMBHs and peculiar AGN candidate found.