KP to add NSF Logo and Grant # Award #DCL 1650510 CoExIST Convening of Experts on Inter-organizational Collaboration in STEM KP to add NSF Logo and Grant #
Collective impact is a structured, multi-sector approach to address complex problems Collective impact is the commitment of a group of important actors from different sectors to a common agenda for addressing a specific complex problem at scale
Collective impact has five elements COMMON AGENDA Shared measurement Mutually Reinforcing activities Continuous communication Backbone support
Collective impact principles of practice Design and implement the initiative with a priority placed on equity Include community members in the collaborative Recruit and co-create with cross-sector partners Use data to continuously learn, adapt, and improve Cultivate leaders with unique system leadership skills Focus on program and system strategies Build a culture that fosters relationships, trust, and respect across participants Customize for local context
Collective Impact in action looks like this Common agenda and shared metrics strategic guidance and support partner-driven action = community partner (e.g., nonprofit, funder, business, public agency, parent) Community partners working on strategies Steering committee Work group Backbone support Guides strategy Supports aligned activities Establishes shared measurement Builds public will Advances policy Mobilizes resources Chair Chair Chair Chair Work group Chair Chair Work group Chair Chair Work group * Adapted from Listening to the Stars: The Constellation Model of Collaborative Social Change, by Tonya Surman and Mark Surman, 2008.
Launching a collective impact initiative has four prerequisites Champions are respected by and have the ability to engage cross-sector leaders Government leadership is engaged Influential Champion and Supportive Leadership Urgency for Change Critical, complex problem in the community Frustration with existing approaches Availability of Resources Committed, potential funding partners with sustained funding for at least 3 – 5 years Basis for Collaboration Trusted relationships among cross-sector actors Presence of existing collaborative efforts These are becoming increasingly specific with time, and will be deepened in our final month of the readiness assessment
For Conversation What about collective impact feels like it is important for NSF INCLUDES alliances to adopt in the structure of their work? Are there elements of the collective impact approach that feel less relevant? What might look different about the collaboration approach for alliances that are working in a regional or non place-based way? What key questions about collective impact do you hope NSF considers in the design and support for INCLUDES? Are there any other recommendations that you’d like to make to NSF related to using the collective impact approach? Note: Tomorrow we will go into much more depth on the roles of the backbone in particular.
KP to add NSF Logo and Grant # Award #DCL 1650510 CoExIST KP to add NSF Logo and Grant #