Minnesota State Transfer Pathways Fall 2017 Transfer Specialists Conference Minnesota State Transfer Pathways Academic Programs and Transfer and Degree Audit Support Kelly Murtaugh, Academic Programs Marta Mohr, Academic Programs Louise DiCesare, Transfer and Degree Audit Support
Session Overview Legislation Regarding Transfer Pathways Overview of the Academic Program Approval Status of the Transfer Pathways College and University Implementation Process Transfer Pathways Map for DARS Encoding Process Your Questions!
2014 Minnesota Higher Education Legislation MINNESOTA STATE COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES BACCALAUREATE DEGREE COMPLETION PLAN. The Board of Trustees of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities shall develop a plan to implement multi-campus articulation agreements that lead to baccalaureate degree completion upon earning the number of credits required for the degree minus 60 credits at a system university after transfer to the system university by a student with an associate in arts degree, associate of science degree, or an associate of fine arts (AFA) degree from a system college. The board shall assign the task of developing the plan to the appropriate committee formed under the board’s “Charting the Future” initiative. The board shall report on this plan to the legislative committees with primary jurisdiction over higher education finance and policy by March 15, 2015.
2015 Higher education legislation 2015 MINNESOTA SESSION LAWS; ARTICLE 3 HIGHER EDUCATION POLICY Sec. 21. BACCALAUREATE DEGREE PATHWAYS Subdivision 1. Regulate MnSCU baccalaureate transfers. The Board of Trustees of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities shall implement new transfer pathways for associate of arts degrees, associate of science degrees, and associate of fine arts degrees toward baccalaureate degree programs. The implementation must, to the greatest extent possible, be done in accordance with the implementation plan, including its timeline, developed pursuant to Laws 2014, chapter 312, article 1, section 12. Subd. 2. New or enhanced bachelor of applied science degrees. The board, in consultation with system constituency groups, is encouraged to create a plan to enhance or develop new bachelor of applied science degree programs in areas of high employment need in the state to facilitate transfer pathways for students with associate of applied science degrees. Subd. 3. Report. By March 15, 2016, the board must report to the chairs and ranking minority members of the legislative committees with jurisdiction over higher education on the status of implementation of transfer pathways under subdivision 1 and any deviations from the implementation plan.
Academic Program Approval The Academic Programs unit supports the Minnesota State colleges and universities in providing high quality programs. As designees of the Chancellor, the unit provides system leadership and support for academic programs policies and procedures and manages the official inventory of Minnesota State academic programs. Regulation (DOE, HLC, etc.)and MN statute Board Policy 3.36 and System Procedure 3.36.1 System initiatives Quality programs ASA Connect sharepoint site—academic program resources
Status of Transfer Pathways: Timeline Pilot Transfer Pathways Currently Implementing Biology, Business, Psychology and Theatre Phase 2 Transfer Pathways University Designations Deadline – Jan. 31, 2018 Priority Review for College Program Submission – Nov. 1, 2017 – May 1, 2018 Phase 2 Pathways Implemented at Colleges – Fall 2018 Phase 3 Transfer Pathways University Designations Deadline – Jan. 31, 2019 Priority Review for College Program Submission – Sept. 1, 2018 – May 1, 2018 Phase 3 Pathways Implemented at Colleges – Fall 2019
Transfer Pathways Implementation Pilot Transfer Pathways (Currently Implementing) Phase 2 Phase 3 Transfer pathways no longer being pursued Biology Accounting Art (not yet approved) Addiction Studies Business Chemistry CAL Education Nursing Psychology Communication Studies Criminal Justice Health PE Theatre Computer Science Early Childhood Ed. Criminal Justice – Law Enf. Elementary Education Economics English Exercise Science MIS History Mechanical Engineering Mass Communication Political Science Mathematics Sociology Pre-Social Work Special Education Spanish
College Implementation Currently offer a matching degree program—can create transfer pathway by using “New from Existing” application form. Not currently offering matching degree program—must complete “Notice of Intent” application process. Existing Discipline awards and emphases need to be closed following the approval of the Transfer Pathway awards. Post new and updated course outlines to website as soon as possible to facilitate course evaluations
University Implementation Utilize existing campus and departmental curriculum approval process to designate which programs will receive the Transfer Pathways graduates; review and modify curriculum where necessary. Designate programs officially through Program Navigator Ensure designated baccalaureate degree can be completed with an additional 60 credits (unless waiver is granted) at the university and that the entire MnTC is completed
Review of Transfer Pathway Applications Ensure the naming convention (Discipline Transfer Pathway), credits, CIP code and all documents are included in application AASC Minutes showing review and approval of the Transfer Pathway Learning Outcomes Crosswalk and Course Outlines Program Guide Sheet for Transfer Pathway Compare program guide to approved transfer pathway requirements Approve transfer pathway Connect with Transfer and Degree Audit Support team
Mapping for DARS Encoding Transfer Pathways require mapping of college courses within the discipline pathways to the university designated baccalaureate degree courses Mapping is necessary to ensure that the 2014 legislative mandate is met: “…upon earning the number of credits required for the degree minus 60 credits at a system university after transfer to the system university by a student with an associate in arts degree, associate of science degree, or an associate of fine arts (AFA) degree from a system college…” One-to-one course relationships must be entered by university DARS encoders to ensure transfer pathways “work” as intended Mapping assists college advisors to provide improved advising for all students
Transfer Pathways Mapping Process System Office Transfer Staff will complete college side of map and top part of map for universities after college has submitted program for approval A clear, complete program guide is required (e.g. entire AA requirements—each of the 10 goal areas and any graduation requirements) Map will be sent to university for completion and remaining courses Map will be sent to all contacts (point person, DARS encoder, Transfer Specialist, Dean, Faculty designee) Course relationships from map will be entered in DARS Final map will be posted in system database and sent to college
Transfer Pathways Map for Dars Encoding
Campus DARS Encoders & Transfer Specialists Administrators at the ASA Leadership Conference were asked to: Provide support for time required for encoding programs, especially with the upcoming 23 Transfer Pathways Programs Provide support for time required for creating & maintaining transfer rules, including course equivalencies Correctly map one-to-one course relationships
We are available to help! System Office DARS Team Support What we’ve done and what we plan to do: Helped several campus encoders and will continue to support both encoders and Transfer Specialist Added a webpage displaying Transfer Pathways Encoding examples from other schools - http://www.dars.mntransfer.org/support/pathways/index_tpencoding.html Will encourage consistency We are available to help! Encoders and Transfer Specialists can submit questions to http://dars.custhelp.com
Transfer Pathway Resources Transfer Pathways Website: https://mnscu.sharepoint.com/sites/asa/SitePages/Page.aspx?topicID=46&topicName=Transfer Pathways Approved Transfer Pathways Learning Outcomes Crosswalk ISRS Codes Designated Bachelor’s Degrees Campus Transfer Pathways Implementation Toolkit FAQs Lynda, slides 24-25
Any Comments or questions to: Marta Mohr, Academic Program Director, Marta.Mohr@minnstate.edu Kelly Murtaugh, Academic Program Director, Kelly.Murtaugh@minnstate.edu Louise DiCesare, System Director for Transfer and Degree Audit Support, Louise.Dicesare@minnstate.edu