HR-HV CMOS activities and plans at Glasgow Craig Buttar & Richard Bates
Craig Buttar, Glasgow CMOS, Aida2020 kickoff meeting Glasgow summary People Craig Buttar Richard Bates Dima Maneuski Kestutis Kanisankaus Andy Blue Interests CMOS development for HL-LHC upgrades and for Linear Collider experiments TCAD simulation of devices understanding charge collection and implementing radiation damage models Device characterisation (before and after irradiation) MIPS, Fe55, X-rays (max 80kV), Microfocussed X-ray beam (Diamond), testbeam, TCT Module building Development of modules using TSVs Craig Buttar, Glasgow CMOS, Aida2020 kickoff meeting
Craig Buttar, Glasgow CMOS, Aida2020 kickoff meeting TCAD simulations Synopsis TCAD simulations TowerJazz HR-CMOS sensors NDA with TJ Electrical properties Geometry optimisation Radiation damage Craig Buttar, Glasgow CMOS, Aida2020 kickoff meeting
Craig Buttar, Glasgow CMOS, Aida2020 kickoff meeting HV-CMOS pixel sensors HV-CMOS pixels characterisation CCPD AC-coupled to FEI4 chip DAQ and software and analysis development Laboratory tests: Sr90, Fe55, temperature variation Transient current technique setup X-ray generator setup Test beams at Diamond Light Source Synchrotron Collaboration with CERN CLIC group Craig Buttar, Glasgow CMOS, Aida2020 kickoff meeting
Craig Buttar, Glasgow CMOS, Aida2020 kickoff meeting HV-CMOS pixel sensors HV-CMOS pixels characterisation Diamond 15 keV 2.5 um beam scan CCPD + FEI4 noise occupancy Pixel layout CCPD + FEI4 Threshold tuning CCPD + FEI4 Sr90 response Craig Buttar, Glasgow CMOS, Aida2020 kickoff meeting
Craig Buttar, Glasgow CMOS, Aida2020 kickoff meeting HV-CMOS strip sensors HV-CMOS strips characterisation Standalone AMS350 CMOS strip sensor Performance optimisation Laboratory tests: Sr90, Fe55, temperature variation Radiation damage studies Irradiations @ Birmingham Test beams @ DESY Test beams @ Diamond Collaboration with Oxford and RAL Craig Buttar, Glasgow CMOS, Aida2020 kickoff meeting
Craig Buttar, Glasgow CMOS, Aida2020 kickoff meeting HV-CMOS strip sensors DESY 4 GeV MIPS HV-CMOS strips characterisation Diamond 15 keV 2.5 um beam High gain pixels Low gain pixels Bias sweep Fe55 spectrum Craig Buttar, Glasgow CMOS, Aida2020 kickoff meeting
Craig Buttar, Glasgow CMOS, Aida2020 kickoff meeting Glasgow areas of work TCAD simulation Can we get access to relevant process parameters through AIDA? Have NDA with TJ Device design No electronics design effort but would contribute to top level design: layout, readout architecture Device characterisation As discussed above Access to sensors through WP Development of CMOS module with TSVs Collaboration with CERN, LAL & MPI (WP4) Craig Buttar, Glasgow CMOS, Aida2020 kickoff meeting
Fergus Wilson, STFC/RAL, AIDA 2020 Kick-off meeting STFC/PPD capabilities and facilities Irradiation sources: Continuous X-ray sources. Radioactive Sources (Fe55, Sr90, etc…) Hardware: Full resources for extensive testing of sensors. Three lasers systems with XYZ stages: Pulsed three-wavelength Nd-Yag laser; Scanning TCT IR laser from; IR laser for use with probe station. Probe stations (manual and automatic). Cryostats and environmental chambers. Likely to have a magnet with 300mm bore and a variable field up to 5T in 2016. Software: Euro-practice member. In-house expertise with TCAD simulation, VHDL/FPGA, Finite Element, Heat Dissipation software. Facilities: Clean-rooms. Metrology labs. Access to CMOS Sensor Design Group expertise. Access to ASIC Design Group expertise. DAQ: PPD is a member of LHCb, CMS, ATLAS, MICE, T2K, DUNE, LZ, etc… and has access to hardware and expertise in various DAQ systems (e.g. ATCA and GLIB) through our experiment DAQ groups. AIDA 2020: Our main areas of interest is WP6.2 (TCAD simulation) and WP6.3 (HV/HR-CMOS sensors). Fergus Wilson 04-Jun-2015 Fergus Wilson, STFC/RAL, AIDA 2020 Kick-off meeting