461 PE Reservoir Engineering 10/11/1439 AG 461 PE Reservoir Engineering Instructor Dr. Ahmed Gawish 1426 -1427 461 PE
GMBE Initial Oil in Place = NBoi bbl Gas in Place = mNBoi bbl Remaining Oil = (N-NP)Bo bbl Gas Cap Vol. at Pr = (mNBoi)(Bg/Bgi) bbl Evolved gas vol. = ( NRsi-NpRp-(N-Np)RsBg bbl Net Water Influx = (We-WpBw) bbl Total Change in Pore Volume = NBoi (1+m){(Swi Cw +cf)/(1-Swi)} P bbl Injection Gas = Ginj Bging bbl Injected Water = Wing Bw bbl
MBE as f(Bt) Where
Driving Indexes
Type of Oil Reservoirs 1- Volumetric Undersaturated Oil Reservoirs Or 2- Volumetric Saturated Oil Reservoirs 3- Gas-Cap-Drive Reservoirs a- Unknown N, Known m: b- Known N, unknown m: c- N and m are Unknown : 4- Water-Drive Reservoirs
Water-Drive Reservoirs 1-The Pot-Aquifer Model in the MBE Where:
Water-Drive Reservoirs 2- The Steady-State Model in the MBE
Water-Drive Reservoirs 3-The Unsteady-State Model in the MBE
Tracy’s Form of the Material Balance Equation
The MBE as an Equation of a Straight Line (Havlena &Odeh) Underground Withdrawal The Expansion of oil and gas The Expansion of gas cap The Expansion of water and formation Havlena &Odeh MBE as Straight line