Mattia Agnetti – INTERACT Programme Secretariat


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Presentation transcript:

Mattia Agnetti – INTERACT Programme Secretariat Good governance of Programmes towards the New Objective 3 Current experience and challenges ahead Hi Mattia, I changed it back into blue. They will not see yellow from a distance. Tried, tested, failed!  Gianluca Mattia Agnetti – INTERACT Programme Secretariat

Phisical and financial progress of Programmes Table of contents 2006 State of Play Phisical and financial progress of Programmes Management, implementation and monitoring of Programmes Future Steps towards Objective 3

INTERREG Programmes currently operating 64 Cross Border Programmes In addition there are ESPON and INTERACT 13 Transnational Programmes 4 Interregional Programmes

Programmes’ effectiveness – achievement of objectives enhanced cross-border economic and social integration consolidated joint strategies for sustainable territorial development improved territorial integration across large groupings of European regions increased territorial integration with EU 10 and enhanced strategy towards candidate and neighbouring countries improvement of effectiveness of policies and instruments for regional development and cohesion 1- These main ojectives have been partially achieved. This is already flaged in the updates of the different Programmes’ Mid term Evaluations and more will be said with the ex post evaluation (if conducted). 2- The transnational cooperation is the most difficult to evaluate 3- the social capital intended also as creation of stable network and consolidation of relations has been strengthened by the interregional cooperation

Programmes’ effectiveness – physical progress participation levels generally satisfactory mostly well-balanced geographical participation throughout Europe domination of public authorities and under-representation of private sector and social partners evidence of new participants and new networks increase of genuine cross border projects during Programme life cycle

Programmes’ effectiveness – financial progress Problems incurred late start of programmes delays in establishing implementation structures incompatibility with external funding instruments low demand among potential applicants in early stages of programme implementation imbalances in funding across borders Actions taken intensification of programme promotion targeted project development support additional calls for projects reallocation of resources creation of task forces to address incompatible procedures

Programmes’ effectiveness – financial progress Cross Border Cooperation EUR 3 762 761 486 Level of decommittments 0.1% 2003 – 0.2% 2004 – 0.2% 2005 Transnational Cooperation EUR 1 413 538 382 Level of decommittments 0.5% 2003 – 0.8% 2004 – 0.7% 2005 Interregional Cooperation EUR 353 010 932 Level of decommittments 0.1% 2003 – 8.5% 2004 – 1.4% 2005

Programme effectiveness – Community Added Value political AV – high visibility of EU (IIIA), contribution to new concepts of regional integration and governance policy AV – innovative instrument to address policy problems institutional AV – creation of new institutions, networks and partnership, with potential for sustainability operational AV – stability of multi-annual programming; embedding of monitoring and evaluation learning AV – strong effects on exchanges of experience, knowledge and know-how; potential for individual and institutional learning

most programme management arrangements operate satisfactorily wide variation in management – related to national institutional structures, experience and type of programme main Management issues: need to clarify responsibilities, functions or relationships (MA, PA, JTS, intermediaries bodies) better coordination between organisations lack of legal framework

Programme implementation majority of implementation systems are working well project generation issues facilitating the formation of project partnerships improved application procedures providing support to applicants project appraisal and selection issues accelerated decision-making improved appraisal methods increased transparency Increased selectivity of high quality projects programme marketing issues improved information quality and accessibility targeted promotion communicating about projects

Programme monitoring monitoring has improved significantly but further development is needed monitoring issues: developing monitoring databases accommodation of INTERREG data requirements accessibility to stakeholders improving indicator sets definitions streamlining of indicators realistic targets communicating monitoring requirements to partners

national Strategic Reference Framework pursuant to Art. 25 and 26 State of play as of June 2006 new 5 draft Structural Funds Regulations following Council agreement of May 2006 community Strategic Guidelines on Cohesion Policy pursuant to Art. 23 and 24 national Strategic Reference Framework pursuant to Art. 25 and 26 preparation and approval of operational programmes pursuant to Art. 31 The CSG expected to be adopted in October 2006 NSRF to be transmitted to Ec within 5 five following the adoption of the CSG

European Territorial Cooperation cooperation will contribute to Growth and Jobs Agenda cooperation will contribute to economic and social integration of regions where there are wide territorial disparities cooperation will focus and concentrate on specific themes according to different Strands

Good Governance of Programmes towards Obj. 3 examples of challenges ahead generalisation of the Lead Partner Principle (Cross-Border Programmes) design of Multi-country programmes setting up European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation cooperation at the external borders of the EU (Coordination with IPA and ENPI)

Good Governance of Programmes towards Obj. 3 examples of challenges ahead building up a new generation of project ideas (e.g. Strategic projects) selection of Genuine Transnational Projects (links with Obj. 1 and 2 Plans) setting up in time effective Institutional arrangements involvement of new actors in programme and project planning

Thank you for your attention INTERACT Programme Secretariat Franz-Josefs-Kai 27 1010 Vienna Tel. +43 1 533874731 Fax. +43 1 533874766