World Hunger Anna. Zariczniak
World Hunger facts 795 million people or 1 in 9 people do not have enough food to eat. 98%of the world’s undernourished people live in developing countries. Where is hunger the worst? Asia 525.6 million. Africa: 214 million Latin America and the Caribbean 37 million. Aiming at the very heart of hunger the Hunger Project is currently committed to work in Bangladesh, Benin, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, India, Ghana, Malawi, Mexico, Mozambique, Peru Senegal and Uganda.
Top 5 causes World hunger #1 War and Conflict - In many cases, a family whose life has been interrupted by war will see a drop in income and access to arable land. War and conflict drastically impact food supply and security. #2 Weather and Climate change - WeNatural disasters leave dramatic impact on the production of arable land. In many developing countries, farmers depend on one small plot of land. If this land is destroyed by natural disaster, their source of food and livelihood is washed away with it.
Top 5 causes of Hunger #4 Population Growth #3 Agricultural Practices In recent years, farmers have seen an increase in deforestation, desertification, soil erosion, and drought. Combined with overgrazing, over-cropping, and deforestation, the impact of poor agricultural practices can destroy arable land. Population growth has hit developing countries especially hard. Compounded with rising food prices, it’s becoming increasingly more difficult to match food production rates with population growth rates.
Top 5 causes of world hunger #5 Poverty - As a family sinks into poverty, they are forced to stretch their meager income. As more money is spent on food, less money is available to spend on health care, savings, and education. Farmers may find themselves unable to purchase seeds, tools, or farming equipment. Poverty is a cause of hunger, but it is an effect as well.
What is the catholic church doing to help stop world hunger ? Pope Francis put his full support behind a global campaign, launched by Caritas Internationalis, which seeks to end world hunger by 2025. The Pope said the work of Caritas, present in 200 countries, "is at the heart of the mission of the Church." Its attention, he said, is towards all those "who suffer because of the scandal of hunger, those with whom the Lord identified when he said, 'I was hungry and you gave me something to eat'." The Pope underlined that nearly one billion people still suffer from hunger worldwide today."We cannot look the other way and pretend this does not exist," he said.
Save your food - more food is wasted than there are hungry 🍞🍗🍕🍝🍠🍣🍩🍰🍟🍔🍟🍜🍚🍝🍰😊
When did world hunger start? There is no specific date for when the global food crisis started, although historians recognize the genesis of "food regimes" dating back to the 16th century, particularly during the colonial era. During this time, a mercantile food system was created, whereby basic agricultural products, such as grains, milk and meat, were produced in Europe while the colonies were forced through restrictive tariffs to produce special goods for the mother countries.
What is Canada doing to help stop world Hunger? Canada has announced $340 million in new funding to help feed the world’s hungry for the next five years. Canada is the second-largest donor to the World Food Program, which relies completely on donations of money and food to operate. The organization helps more than 90 million people in more than 70 countries every year.
You can help by donating money to varies charities How can we help? You can help by donating money to varies charities
Bibliography hunger-poverty/ hungry-1.990732