The Characteristics of Life ALL LIVING THINGS……
1.Have at least one CELL. A. Each cell contains DNA as its genetic blueprint.
B. General Cell Types: 1. PROKARYOTIC *NO membrane-bound organelles ( = NO nucleus, mitochondria, vacuoles, chloroplasts) *only found in bacteria
B. General Cell Types: 2. EUKARYOTIC *Membrane-bound organelles are present in the cytoplasm( = has a nucleus, mitochondria, vacuoles, chloroplasts) * found in protists, fungi, plants, & animals
Prokaryotic Cell vs Eukaryotic Cell
*All organisms start as a single cell! C. Cell Number: *All organisms start as a single cell! 1. An organisms with only one cell is UNICELLULAR (examples = all bacteria, most protists, some fungi)
(examples = all animals, all plants, most fungi, some protists) An organism composed of more than one cell is MULTICELLULAR (examples = all animals, all plants, most fungi, some protists)
D. Exhibit Organization: 1. molecular and cellular organization = atoms build molecules; molecules build structures inside of cells. 2. Some organize cells into tissues, organs, and organ systems.
Have a Lifespan: B. Growth - In cell size (all organisms) - In cell number (= multi-cellular organisms only)
LIFESPAN B. Development - into a reproductively mature organism that will be able to reproduce. C. Death end of the life cycle
*Have the ability to create offspring in the same species. Reproduce *Have the ability to create offspring in the same species.
*Types of Reproduction: A. ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION One organism creates an exact genetic copy (clone) of itself to become two new organisms. Example = binary fission, budding
Asexual reproduciton
Binary Fission
Binary Fission
B. SEXUAL REPRODUCTION Egg and sperm unite to create a genetically new individual
Need ENERGY A. First = Obtain Food 1. Autotrophs = * produce food (glucose) within the cells. * Usually by PHOTOSYNTHESIS.
Examples of Autotrophs PLANTS ALGAE
2. Heterotrophs *must consume other organisms to get food (glucose) to the cells.
B. Next = RESPIRE to make ATP energy Cellular Respiration= A process performed by the cells of all living things to convert food energy to cellular energy (=ATP = only form of energy cells can use to do work).
Types of Respiration 1.AEROBIC Respiration = uses oxygen. 2.ANAEROBIC Respiration = does not use oxygen.
C. Have a metabolism *Use ATP energy to build molecules ( = anabolism) *Use ATP energy to breakdown molecules ( = catabolism)
(Helps an individual organism to survive) Maintain HOMEOSTASIS *Respond to stimuli to maintain a balanced state (Helps an individual organism to survive)
Examples: An endotherm shivering to stay warm. The pupil of the eye constricting in the presence of bright light. A sunflower’s flower tracking the sun during the day. A rabbit darting to the left and right while trying to escape from a coyote. An earthworm crawling back into the ground when light is detected.
Adapt to Changes in the Environment * requires a genetic change that is passed through generations to help a species survive. *Allows a population to Evolve
Examples: A new color develops over time by way of a gene mutation. The new color helps the organism to survive and reproduce to pass on the gene mutation.