Starting Secondary School
First Day Nerves Remember your first day at school? Did you feel a bit lost amongst all those teenagers in the playground? Daunted by how big your new school seemed? Then there were all those new subjects to get your head round! When it is your child’s turn to start secondary school, it helps to step back in time and remember all those emotions you felt as you stood in your new school uniform and prepared to make the leap into the great unknown.
How Can You Help? Preparation is Everything! Journey Lunchtimes Friendships Uniform How Can You Help? Preparation is Everything! Play Dates Homework Lateness Being Organised Parent/Teacher Contact Phones ect
The First Few Weeks of School Sharing their excitement Setting up routines Your child will arrive home wanting to relate all the excitements of their day, but also extremely tired, so it makes sense to be able to share this momentous time with them before they slip into exhausted ‘dunnos’ and ‘fines’. You will also want to set up routines for the coming term that works – maybe snack and chat, followed by homework, then screeens, evening meal and sensible bed time.
Prepare Yourself as a Parent/Carer “You don’t see their friends, you don’t know their teachers and you rely on them bringing home notes and messages. It’s a big change for parents and carers too!” “I didn’t realise how hard it would be having so little contact with the school.” “My experience suggests that children are far more resilient and adaptable than parents give them credit for.” “It can be quite a transition from being a big fish in a small pond to a small fish in a big pond!”