The Keene Energy and Agriculture Pre-Development Progress Report A strategy to sustainably meet food and energy demands locally through a more intelligent cycling of resources Don McCormick
The Keene Energy and Agriculture Project
SustainabilityScience_Kapuscinski 6/28/11 Kapuscinski team is beginning research on questions regarding two-way linkages between microalgae culture and aquaponics (integrates fish and vegetable crops). Startup of Brattleboro facility has already attracted more links: wastes from local cheese and yoghurt companies. Economy of Linkages: Creating new linkages (new cycles) leads to new outcomes (products, services) that would be un-available if you kept energy production and food production separate.
KEAP Project Components Landfill gas collection and control system Combined Heat and Power Plant Distributed Heat System Water and Nutrient Recycling Systems 1 Acre Greenhouse with Sustainable Food Production for Local Market 60,000 Gallon Recirculating Aquaculture Algae culture research and development Education, Training, & Research Partnerships
Outputs 500,000 pounds of herbs and salad mixes annually to the local market Local and Sustainable brand development 66,000 pounds of fresh tilapia 25 high-quality local jobs with benefits and career training Algae and sustainable local food system development research Research and Education Partnerships: Dartmouth, Keene State College, Antioch University, and others Greenhouse gas reduction and near zero waste Replicable business model, technical knowledge and training Public-Private Partnership in Sustainable Development of Local Food Systems and Education
Phase II - A Regional Stakeholder Development: Institutional and Educational Partners Key Government, Regulatory, and Related Regional Growers and Market Development Key Technical Contractor Partner Development Prospective Developer/Operator Development and Vetting City Issues Request for Proposals
Phase II – B Assess Developer/Operator Technical and Financial Capacity Financing Pre-Development Create a network of financing opportunities and develop list of prospects Present and defend KEAP financial and business plan to potential institutions and investors to secure interest and feedback. Secure statements of interest Provide Business Development Information to Selected Developer/Operator
Timeline Milestones Done: Pre-development planning and materials 1/24/14 City issues RFP for KEAP Developer/Operator 2/10/14: Phase II completion: Stakeholder development 3-4/14: City evaluation of Proposals 4/25/14 Selection of KEAP Developer 5/30/14 Agreement/Contract with KEAP Developer 5-9/14 Construction planning, Permitting 9/15/14 Construction Kick-off and Groundbreaking 9/14-1/15 Agricultural Facilities Construction 1-4/15 Systems and Facility Fit-up 4/15/15 Operations Start-up
Contact for more information Don McCormick P.O. Box 771 Walpole, NH 03608 802-310-0720