10 Life Skills for a Healthy Life
#1: Assessing Your Health Requires that you evaluate your actions and behaviors that affect your health Evaluating your health can help you determine what you need to do to be healthy.
#2: Communicating Effectively This will teach you good communication skills like listening and speaking effectively. This will help improve your relationships with your family, friends, teachers and other adults.
#3: Practicing Wellness This skill will show you how practicing healthy behaviors daily can help you have good life-long health. Examples of healthy behaviors are getting enough sleep, choosing nutritious foods and avoiding risky behaviors.
#4: Coping Dealing with problems or trouble in an effective way. This life skill can help you deal with emotions such as anger and depression during difficult times and situations such as the loss of a loved one.
#5: Being a Wise Consumer Anyone who buys products or services is a consumer and needs to be able to make appropriate choices. Making good decisions when buying health products and services will help improve your health now and in the future.
#6: Evaluating Media Messages Public forms of communication such as TV, radio, internet, newspaper are referred to as media. The media have a big impact on what we learn about the world. Knowing how to analyze media information can help you make better decisions about your health.
#7: Using Community Resources A resource is something you can use to help you achieve a goal or meet a need. Health clinics, libraries and government agencies are examples of Community Resources. Knowing where to find health information in the community is vital to keeping you healthy.
#8: Making GREAT Decisions Learning the GREAT decision making steps will help you make the right decisions for yourself. These steps should be used when making life-changing decisions.
GREAT Decision Making Steps GIVE thought to the problem REVIEW your choices EVALUATE the consequences of each choice ASSESS and choose the best choice THINK it over afterward
#9: Using Refusal Skills This life skill will provide you with different ways you can say “no” to something you do not want to do. Learning how to say “no” will help you make better decisions
#10: Setting Goals Goals are directions for your life. Setting goals can help you stay focused on what you want to achieve in the future. Short term goals can be achieved quickly and can lead to accomplishing long term goals.