Brown vs Board of Education
Martin Luther King Jr.
Pro Athletes
JFK’s “New Frontier” Tackle poverty and ignorance Medical scheme for old and poor Increased benefits for the unemployed More spending on housing and education Too bold for Republicans/Southern Democrats Smacked of “creeping socialism”
JFK’s “New Frontier” No extra money was ever allotted to education Medicare for elderly was rejected Some extension of welfare benefits for children Minimum wage raised to $1.25 Loans available to buy houses
JFK’s “New Frontier” Sent army to Mississippi to ensure that a black student could enroll in the university Appointed the first Negro ambassador and black warship commander Wide-ranging Civil Rights bill (illegal for racial discrimination in housing, education, public facilities, and voting – same literacy tests for blacks as for whites) Bill rejected by Congress
Martin Luther King Jr. 26 year old Baptist minister preached non-violence and passive resistance ‘Freedom Riders’ toured southern cities in buses, organizing sit-ins these non-violent forms of protest provoked brutal attacks by gangs of white racists
Martin Luther King Jr. March on Washington – 250 000 people petitioned Kennedy
LBJ’s “Great Society” Kennedy’s Civil Rights Bill Banned discrimination against blacks in hotels & restaurants VISTA Like the Peace Corps, a “war on poverty” that aimed to create more equality for blacks The Voting Rights Act Eliminated the literacy test for voting altogether
BURN BABY BURN! BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL Race Riots Riots in the Watts district of LA caused 35 deaths and $200 (text says $30!) million+ to property 1967 – 26 dead and 1000+ injured in Newark 43 dead and 2000 injured in Detroit 1968 – King was shot dead in Memphis, Tennessee two months later, Robert Kennedy was murdered in LA BURN BABY BURN! BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL
Malcolm X Malcolm X was a leading member of Black Muslim movement “X” used as his surname was a white slave name and he didn’t know his real African surname Appeared to want an all-out war with the whites
Malcolm X About MLK: “he got the peace prize, we got the problem. I don’t want the white man giving me medals. If I’m following a general, and he’s leading me into battle, and the enemy tends to give him rewards, or awards, I get suspicious of him. Especially if he gets a peace prize before the war is over.” Malcolm X was assassinated in 1965
Black Panthers Stokely Carmichael founded this militant group Openly called for the use of violence