Final Exam Review
Format Similar to Exam 3 Redo Similar in scope to final project 5 Point Multiple Choice / Short Answer (50 points) 10 questions Output of code Value of variable Looping Case Programming (100 points) Similar to Exam 3 Redo Similar in scope to final project
Sample Case Jeff has been hired by a local software organization to do analysis on the time employees are spending at work. The organization is interested in ensuring that employees spend at least 80% of their time on client billable work. The employees are salaried employees and the organization expects each employee to work on average 50 hours per week. In addition to the above analysis, the organization would like to understanding the difference in the top and worst performers in terms of billable hours within each division. To assist in the analysis the organization has provided Jeff with a data file from their time reporting system. The file contains the employee ID, first name, last name, division, req/analysis/design time, programming time, testing and deployment time, meeting time, and administrative support time. Each of the time fields are in hours with a quarter of an hour being the smallest increment. For example 2 hours and 15 minutes would appear as 2.25 on the file.
Sample Case Time spent in req/analysis/design, programming, and testing/deploying are billable to the client. Meeting time and administrative support time is not billable. The file is # delimited. Below are the first two lines of the file as an example: JL12558#Jeff#Lucas#BenIT#9.25#20#10#2.5#1.75 DH15832#David#Hale#HRO#19.25#0#1.25#2.5#10.75 Jeff has begun work on the program. He has written “main” as well as a sort function that will sort the array by division. He didn’t know what you would name your variables, but you can call this function and it will still work. Jeff is that good!.
Question 1 Provided the code needed to populate an array of structs with the data from the file as well as the total billable hours, total non-billable hours and total hours.
Question 2 Given the answer to #1 provide the segment of code needed to provide a control break report by division of billable and non-billable hours. Do not worry with formatting the report (headers, spacing, etc), simply output the data comma delimited. The break line should simply have the division, billable hours and non-billable hours. You can assume Jeff’s function is working and when called will return your array for #1 sorted by division. The function name is sortByDivision. The function is a void function with 1 parameter, your array.
Question 3 Provide the segment of code needed to list the top 10 highest billable employees in the organization.
Question 4 Provide a report, by division of employees that more than 90% of their time was billable.
Question 5 Provide a report, by division, of employees that had less than 30 total billable hours.
Question 6 Provide a report, by division, of the employee with the highest percent of billable time and lowest percent of billable time. Include in the report the range (highest percent – lowest percent).
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