CArl J. wenning, illinois state University Guidance for Curricular Design & Instructional Development ----- Use, Adapt, Create CArl J. wenning, illinois state University
Use Existing Curricula & Instructional Materials Employ national standards: National Science Education Standards, Project 2061, and Next Generation Science Standards are in use in the USA today. Integrated Mathematics, Science, and Technology Program (IMaST) from Illinois State University General Approach (Challenge; Focus on This; Exploring; Applying the Idea; Expanding the Idea; Making Connections; Career Connections) Grade Six Curriculum (Tools for Learning; Patterns of Mobility; Patterns within Us; Patterns Around Us; Patterns in Weather; Patterns Above Us; Patterns Below Us) Grade Seven Curriculum (The Body Works; Shaping Our World; Living on the Edge; Manufacturing; Forecasting) Grade Eight Curriculum (Animal Habitats; Human Settlements; Systems; Communication Pathways)
Adapt Existing Curricula & Instructional Materials Modeling Method of Instruction Biology Chemistry Physics Earth & Space Science Physical Science CASTLE Electrical circuits
Educational practice is like a pyramid… Building a large pyramid takes more than a single human lifetime. If everyone always starts over at the bottom when others have given up, we’ll never get our pyramid built. We must build on the work of others if we are to complete the task.
Create New Curricula & Instructional Materials One of the greatest weaknesses of teaching is teachers reinventing the wheel. It is easier to walk a well-worn path.
Design Curricula: Begin with the end in mind. Consider first aims, goals, & objectives of education. What type of students do you want to graduate? What do you want your students to know and do? How are you going to get students to accomplish this? Develop assessments next. Decide how you are going to teach. What is teaching? What are the available approaches?
How will you convey the intended information? Teaching might be defined as ”Imparting knowledge and skills.” Imparting? Does the teacher tell and show, or do students inquire knowledge and skills? Knowledge? Students know or merely believe? Skill? Knowing that? ( a bicycle is ridden this way ) Knowing how? ( to ride a bicycle in actuality ) Knowing to? ( ride a bicycle when necessary )
Choose the Approach: Conditioning (stimulus-obeying behavior) Indoctrinating (uninformed belief) Brainwashing (conditioned behavior + uniformed belief) Training (rule-obeying behavior) Informing (rule-obeying behavior with explanations) Instructing (training and informing) Teaching (construction of knowledge on the basis of experience, use processes of verification)
Develop Instructional Materials Integrated Science for Elementary School Teachers BSC/CHE/GEO/PHY 309 Physical Science for Middle School Teachers (2011), PHY 489.01 Space Science for Middle School Teachers (2009), PHY 489.02
Consider the Lesson Study Approach Define the Problem Define an Inquiry Sequence Plan the Sequence Prepare the Lesson Plan Teach the Lesson Evaluate the Lesson Revise the Lesson Document the Lesson