SOM Joint HR Representatives and Business Managers Meeting ER Updates January 21, 2015
SPA Work Plans Update Modifications and changes in SPA Performance Management Plan Deadline for new work plans due November 2014, with some flexibility Work plans need to be completed for each SPA employee by January 2015 Essential document for the formal SPA Performance Management Plan in June, and for Mid year reviews Navigational tool for supervisors throughout the year to reward employees meeting/exceeding expectations and coaching/mentoring employees not meeting expectations Employees who fall under 24 month probationary period are required to have quarterly reviews
SPA Performance Management Policy, Plan, and Process Human Resources Website Management Toolkit Policy changes Frequently asked questions Sample work plans employee-policies/performance- management/performance-management-toolkit/ School of Medicine SPA Employee Management Training Video session link
2015 Adverse Weather Policy Change As of January 1, 2015, the new UNC Adverse Weather Policy change went into effect. Please inform all your departments of the changes and refer back to note sent on January 8, 2015 Additional information HR Adverse Weather Policy website Adverse Weather Emergency Phone Line #919-843-1234
Adverse Weather Policy http://hr. unc
Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office Policy Changes Policy on Prohibited Discrimination, Harassment and other Misconduct was updated in 2014 Mandatory Title IX web-based training for employees. Renew training/certification every two years. Reasonable Accommodations in Employment Policy, Accommodation Process, and Campus training. accommodations/
Diversity Update University Diversity and Multicultural Affairs Department is having its campus wide initiative celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. UNC awarded the “Making of MLK Federal Holiday Award.” (MLK Federal Holiday Commission) There are planned campus events free and open to the public all week long. Schedule of Events:
SOM Opening Doors and Safe Zone Training 2015 2015 SOM Opening Doors Workshop Schedule: Spring Session, March 18-20, 2015 Summer Session, June 10-12, 2015 Fall Session, November 4-6, 2015 session-brochure UNC LGBTQ Center Safe Zone Spring and Summer Training Schedule:
My University Employee Relations Team Angenette McAdoo, OHR Senior Employee Relations Consultant: #919-962-6010 Chenise Crump, OHR Senior Employee Relations Consultant: #919-537-3411