Mail Merge And Macros in MS WORD
Mail merge in MS WORD similar type of letter or document is to be sent to many person who reside at different location , the letter may contained address of the recipient , in addition to standard information contained in the letter.
Step 1: Create the Main Document Click the Create button next to the number 1 in the Mail Merge Helper dialog box Select the type of Main Document that you’ll be using for this Mail Merge Choose whether to use the active document window or create a new document
Step 2: Attach the Data Document If the data source already exists: Click the Get Data button next to the number 2 in the Mail Merge Helper dialog box Choose Open Data Source Select the Data Source (document, spreadsheet, database, or other file) Click Open If the Data Source needs to be created: Click the Get Data button Choose Create Data Source
Create a Data Source The Create Data Source dialog box lets you: Remove unwanted field names Add new field names Change the order of field names Finalize all of the field names to be used Click the OK button Name and save your data source You will then receive the following message:
Entering Data The next step is to enter data using a data form. 1 Entering Data The next step is to enter data using a data form. 1. Move through the form using the Enter key or the Tab key on the keyboard 2. When finished, click OK
Preparing the Main Document Insert merge fields where you want the changing data to be placed Apply the formatting you want Format the document as a blueprint of what the final result will look like
Step 3: Perform the Mail Merge Click the Merge button in the Mail Merge Helper
Mail Merge Output Select the output for the mail merge Specify the records to be merged You can also: Check for errors Set query options
Macro in MS WORD a macro is a short cut to a task you do repeatedly. In other words macro is a way to create a shortcut for the task that you do a lot.
Creating a macro 1. open a new WORD document. 2. type in few words of text. 3.highlight your text, or just a single word of the text. 4. from the menu bar click view than macro.
There are four area to the record macro dialogue box: macro name, assign macro to , store macro in, description 1. give the name to your macro. 2. After than assign your macro by choosing one of the given option it can be from keyboard or from toolbar. 3. the next section is store macro in. at the moment it reads all documents. 4. final section is description. This is just a record of when the macro was created and who create it.. 5. now click ok button.
Your macro has be started to be recorded Your macro has be started to be recorded. Whatever you do from now on will part of the our macro. 1. select Ariel as your font from menu bar. 2. select bold. 3. select size 16. now click the stop button from your macro.. The macro will stop recording, and the process is finished. You have recorded the macro. Now you can run your macro. All the format you choose is automatically applied to all the document when you run your macro.