December 15, 2008, NTU-UCDavis Exch. @ NTU 1. HEP @ NTU 2. NCTS-North (Phys) December 15, 2008, NTU-UCDavis Exch. @ NTU
1/94: File Proposal to NSC [w/ Yuan-Hann Chang as Co-PI Jen-Chieh Peng to visit ~ 1/2 year by yours truly
Have theorists, want experimentalists ! Strategy: Rare B Decays Direct CPV Part of motivation for starting T-Belle is Density of B-phenomenologists — Hai-Yang Cheng (AS) Xiao-Gang He (NTU) (recruited as part of build-up Chao-Qiang Geng (NTHU) Cheng-Wei Chiang (NCU) Hsiang-nan Li (AS) (built-up in the process Kwei-Chou Yang (CYCU) (trained thru process Chuan-Hung Chen (NCKU) ( ” ” Chung-Kiang Chua (CYCU) ( ” ” and myself ... Guess what, Our specialty IS — Rare Decays and Direct CP Violation Have theorists, want experimentalists !
... 1/94: File Proposal to NSC [w/ Yuan-Hann Chang as Co-PI 10/94 Define Hardware Jen-Chieh Peng to visit ~ 1/2 year ... Extreme Forward Calorimeter Radiation hard BGO crystals Bhabha Scattering EFC saw First Bhabha events at B Factory ! Mar-Apr/99
Hermeticity not a design goal for Belle — Too many holes NTU: flex pcb and TTM NTU built
Science Output from T-Belle ~ 20% Belle papers Paoti Chang’s talk Rare Convenor 1997-2002 WSH 2002-2006 Paoti Chang 2006-2008 Kai-Feng Chen 2008- Minzu Wang Analysis Coordinator
ICHEP 2008 Plenary Session
NTU: B.S. M.S. Ph.D.
Culmination ’08 Belle paper in Nature First IUPAP Young Scientist Prize in Particle Exp Sighting the “Yb” Receive NTU 2008-2011 “Scaling Heights” Grant
Towards CMS @ LHC Mt Tsukuba LHC Jura ~ 3 km ~ 27 km
CMS Expt at LHC 5 9 people @ CERN by 2/2009 Taiwan
n’s Daya Bay & NuTel Bob Hsiung Minzu Wang
National Center for Theoretical Sciences - North Providential Timing Appropriate Location Confluent Talents 天時 地利 人和 Taipei Sports Center ASIAMS Physics/CCMS Astro/Math (2009) [AS & NTU] Men’s Dorm 13 (current) NCTS-North (2009)
National Center for Theoretical Sciences - North Providential Timing Appropriate Location Confluent Talents 天時 地利 人和 Taipei Physics/CCMS: “Scaling the Top” (拔尖) Projects (NTU) CQSE (Shih-I Chu, Phys) Particle (Wei-Shu Hou, Phys) Materials (Cheng-Hsuan Chen, CCMS) TIMS (Chang-Shou Lin) LeCosPA (Pisin Chen) Math: “Scaling the Top” Private Donations
btwn AstroMath Building “男11舍” “男12舍” 男13舍 “男14舍” NCTS (North) @ Tipsy Moon Lake (醉月湖) btwn AstroMath Building & Physics/CCMS Building
Modest (re-)Start of NCTS North Physics 2009- “Phase III” “Scaling the Top” (拔尖) Particle (E) CQSE Materials (E) Theory Support for LHC GPU-based Supercomputing TH/Sim of Plasmonic Metamaterials + “Focus Group” Efforts (~ NT$10M) Timing Location Talents Physics/CCMS Coordination Astro/Math (2009) [AS & NTU] NCTS-North (2009)