It is not how you are, it is who you are
God’s restoration does not depend on how bleak things look The name Naomi means "Pleasant, delightful, lovely”. Naomi was at the winter of her life. Naomi is so changed by poverty and affliction that her old friends hardly recognize her. Life is like an onion – peel a layer at a time and sometimes you have to cry! Ruth 1:13 “It grieves me very much for your sakes that the hand of the Lord has gone out against me!” No test no testimony! Be hungry to pass the test and succeed.
Life If life punches you, get over it. Otherwise who do you recommend? If life punches you down, land on your back, because if you can look up you can get up! If things go wrong, don’t go with them. Don’t park when tribulations hit you. I will take ownership of my life. If there are mistakes or things go wrong, hold your head up. People who are hungry are unstoppable. If you are casual about life, you will end up being a casualty.
Naomi was bothered in her spirit. She was unsettled Naomi was bothered in her spirit. She was unsettled. She had bitter gall Bitterness is destructive. Bitterness leads toward rebellion. Bitterness rips at our heart and soul. Bitterness leads us away from the green pastures and still waters. We are on the hit list of the enemy – he attacks our minds with bitterness, using our broken dreams, our past, making us feel too old, too fat, too skinny…to destroy our self esteem!
Lessons on bitterness Naomi told her friends to call her Mara. Naomi had the wrong view of God. Naomi thought that it is all about her. It is always about Jesus. God does not work on our timetable. Bitterness causes us to lose sight of the hope in Christ. If you are in a season of winter, Spring is coming. If there is no enemy within, the enemy outside will do us no harm. Overcome the inner dialog! Convince myself everyday!
Naomi's wrong advise Naomi's plan was that Ruth seduce Boaz, just as Tamar seduced Father in law – Judah and the daughters of Lot seduced Lot (Gen 19:37). At the crucial moment, however, "Ruth abandons the attempt at seduction and instead requests a permanent, legal union with Boaz. Ruth 3:9 “Spread the corner of your garment over me, since you are a Guardian-redeemer of our family”.
Bitterness causes NAOMI To lose sight of HOPE IN GOD Her proposal is God-less. Wants to solve a problem in secret Deliberately bypass and exclude the nearest kin Scheme needlessly and put the reputation of two godly people at risk. Forgot redemption of her property. Forgot it’s God who could enable Ruth to conceive. Nowhere is Naomi praised.
The last years of Naomi's life were full and rich - who could have predicted it? "And may he be to you a restorer of life and a nourisher of your old age; for your daughter-in-law, who loves you, who is better to you than seven sons, has borne him." (Ruth 4:15) So it was. Naomi helped to raise that son. In fact, it was said of her; "There is a son born to Naomi." (Ruth 4:17) He was counted as her own son. His name was Obed, grandfather to David.
Conclusion Don’t change your name coz of circumstances. Don’t let your circumstances define who you are. I don’t know HOW I will get out of this, but I KNOW WHO I AM. Devil may have taken the HOW, but he can not get the WHO I am. Spend much time to know WHO you are.
Conclusion My ministry is made out of my misery. It is not over until I win. It is possible. I can live my dream. Do not give up your dream. My foundation has been laid for my victory! Storms come to try my foundations. You can not be fruitful if you are not grounded. Know who you are not! I am a record breaker.
Conclusion Don’t let life change your name. Don’t give up on WHO you are because of the things that are going through your life! Don’t be hateful because others are hateful! The BLESSINGS are on WHO you are. Don’t lose yourself in your situation. I am blessed with great favor. What others think about me and my dreams is none of my business!
Conclusion I will not forget who I am. The promise is on me. The word is in me. The victory is on me. The blood is on me. This is my season. Balance the areas in my life that are unbalanced. God has saved the best for my latter days. Rivers of healing are flowing right now… I was formed to win, to prosper, to reign, to win, to be the head!