October 26, 2015 AP Language and Composition Revising and Editing October 26, 2015 AP Language and Composition
Story time with Mr. Russell
ALWAYS begin revising before beginning editing. The #1 Rule… ALWAYS begin revising before beginning editing.
Simple Principles for Revising Read your paper out loud. Check your paragraphs. Ask yourself, “Does my paper use sound logic?” Outline your paper. Read your paper out loud. Yes, do it again.
Simple Principles for Editing Check your grammar. Check your spelling. Check your word choice. Did you use pulchritudinous when beautiful suffices? Check your wording. Don’t be so wordy that you end up losing your point because that’s never a good thing because your teacher won’t like grading it because the point is hard to see in it.
1st and 3rd—Library 6th—ENG Lab Go forth! 1st and 3rd—Library 6th—ENG Lab