CN Tower By Rayna Bernstein 7A
It is located in downtown Toronto. The structure that I have chosen do for this assignment is the CN Tower. It is located in downtown Toronto.
The CN Tower is unique! Here are some structural features… This structure is unique because of its shape. It is wide at the bottom and gets narrower as is goes up. Near the top, is a big, round part (which is the 360 restaurant and all the other 6 viewing levels). On top of this, is a smaller part that reaches to a point. This is the antenna. The CN Tower is also unique because of its new lighting system. “The tower’s new lighting system is designed to architecturally enhance the CN Tower structure from bottom to top.” The CN Tower is both a shell structure and a mass structure. This is because it’s hollow but it also has materials put together.
Purpose… The purpose of the structure was to get better TV reception. It was also supposed to get better internet and radio connection. The antenna is actually a lightning rod. When lightning strikes the rod, it turns the lightning in to energy. The CN Tower was mad to be a communications tower and a viewing tower. This means that it had to be very tall. This also means that it had to have windows and viewing areas. It also had to be attractive for tourism and have interesting features. It is also unique because it is the world’s 5th tallest free standing structure.
Bibliography The free encyclopedia, Wikipedia. “CN Tower”. Wikipedia. Wikipedia. November 4th 2011. Jan. 24th 2012. “La Tour CN Tower” CN Tower. Canada Lands Company Friday February 3, 2012 ID1178835218. “”. Wiki Answers. ID1178835218. Friday February 3rd 2012