2017 Sundridge Municipal Budget
Council/General Administration impact on the Budget Income from Investments 69,327 General Admin Revenue 77,027 Transfer from Reserve General Government 17,897 Conditional Grants 35,000 OMPF unconditional funding 404,900 Less Members of Council 60,627 General Administration 617,426 Transfer to Reserves 20,300 Previous year deficit(surplus) (96,589) Funds to be raised by Taxes (2,387)
Protection to Persons and Property impact on the Budget Loan Proceeds (Fire truck) 181,515 Provincial Offences Revenue 14,213 Conditional Grants 355,794 Miscellaneous Revenue 11,700 Less Fire Department 729,712 911 500 Joint Building Committee 4,290 Bylaw Enforcement 17,189 Animal Control 2,960 Policing 211,644 Funds to be raised by Taxes 403,073
Roads Department Capital works impact on the Budget Transfer from Roads Reserves 875,106 Conditional OCIF and CWWF funding 184,691 Federal Gas Tax Funding 90,544 Less Main Street Engineering 40,000 John Street Reconstruction 1,206,930 Asset Management Plan Revision 2,000 Transfer to Road Reserves 87,549 Roads Department Building R&M Roads Vehicle Capital 3,000 Funds to be raised by Taxes 191,138
Roads Department Admin & Maintenance impact on the Budget Roads Department Cond Grant 1,662 Less Roads Department Admin 243,196 Road Maintenance 65,350 Railway Crossing Maintenance 14,000 Roads Vehicles 41,200 Crossing Guard 12,660 Street Lighting 39,266 Funds to be raised by taxes 414,010
Garbage & Recycling impact on the Budget Stewardship Ontario 7,500 Less Garbage Collection 27,760 Recycling Collection 32,565 Garbage Disposal 75,000 Funds to be raised by taxes 127,825
Health Services impact on Budget Health Unit 32,425 Land Ambulance 29,904 Medical Centre 4,250 Strong Cemetery 3,500 District Social Services 46,446 Eastholme 31,939 Seniors Club Grant 1,800 Funds to be raised by taxes 150,264
Parks and Parkland impact on Budget Playground/Lions Park/Splashpad 27,167 High Rock Lookout Park 1,600 Village Warf 700 Bandshell 2,300 Parkland 1,250 Parkland Transfer to reserves 2,507 Funds to be raised by taxes 35,524
Community Centre impact on Budget Community Centre Rental Revenue 25,592 Less Community Centre 50,838 Funds to be raised by taxes 25,246
Sunflower Festival impact on Budget Sunflower Festival Revenue 7,000 Sunflower Transfer from(to) Reserves (2,250) Less Sunflower Expenses 4,750 Funds to be raised by taxes -
Shared Recreation Services impact on Budget Recreation Committee 26,000 Arena 73,601 Library 32,676 Funds to be raised by taxes 132,277
Planning & Development impact on Budget Development revenue 800 Official Plan Transfer from Reserves 15,000 Less Caeda 6,937 GIS 7,111 Message Board Sign Reserve 8,000 Planning & Development Costs 1,850 Official Plan Funds to be raised by taxes 23,098
Sanitary Sewer Operations impact on Budget Sanitary Sewer User Charges 281,880 Less Sanitary Sewers Operations Funds to be raised by Taxes - Capital Sanitary Sewer Capital Revenue 170,725 Sanitary Sewers Capital and Interest 85,860 Sanitary Sewers Capital Loan Repayment 84,865 Funds to be raised by taxes
Overall Funds to be raised by Taxes 2016 2017 Council & Administration 131,899 (2,387) Protection To Persons & Property 344,877 403,073 Roads Department Capital 343,296 191,138 Roads Department Admin & Maintenance 84,506 414,010 Garbage & Recycling 142,586 127,825 Health Services 164,108 150,264 Parks and Parkland 61,450 35,524 Community Centre 29,436 25,246 Sunflower Festival Triathlon Shared Recreation Services 128,600 132,277 Planning & Development 55,910 23,098 Sanitary Sewers Operations Sanitary Sewers Capital Total Funds to be raised by taxes 1,486,668 1,500,068
2016 vs 2017 2017 Total Funds to be raised by taxes 1,500,038 2016 1,485,216 Increase in levy 14,852 % increase in levy 1% 2017 Overall Residential Tax Rate 0.01468981 2016 0.01421932 % increase in Overall Residential Tax Rate 3.3%
Impact on Reserves General Reserves 2017 Beginning Balance of General Reserves 1,531,609.24 Net transfer from Reserves (710,795.09) Ending Balance of General Reserves 820,814.15 Sewer Reserves Beginning Balance of Sewer Reserves 446,490.88 Net transfer to Reserves 88,617.00 Ending Balance of Sewer Reserves 535,107.88
Impact on Debt 2017 Beginning Debt Balance 1,878,304.49 Less Repayment of Debt - Sewers (84,865.00) Plus New Debt Acquired 181,515.00 Ending Debt Balance 1,974,954.49 Increase in overall debt 96,650.00 5.15%