Boat Rentals and Charters LCDR Matt Capon, Chief of Inspections Sector Northern New England
Background & History In recent years there have been several emerging business ventures offering boat rentals with similar business plans comparable to Air B&B, VRBO, etc. Boatbound ( GetMyBoat ( Boatsetter ( 2
Rental Options
Elements of a Valid Bareboat Charter The Charterer must have the option of selecting the crew. Although a master or crew may be furnished by the owner, full possession and control must be vested in the charterer. The master and crew are paid by the charter All food, fuel, and stores are provided by the charterer All port charges and pilot fees, if any, are paid by the charterer 4
Elements of a Valid Bareboat Charter (continued) Insurance is obtained by the charter, at least to the extent of covering liability not included in the owner’s insurance. The charterer may discharge, for cause, the master or any crew member without referral to the owner The vessel is to be surveyed upon its delivery and return It’s an issue if… 5
Potential Charter Issues The chartered vessel is carrying more than 06 passengers, with at least 01 for hire The vessel is chartered with a crew, and carrying more than 06 passengers The vessel is chartered with a crew and carrying 06 passengers or less***requires an OUPV license*** The vessel is chartered with no crew, and carrying more than 12 passengers 6
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Contact Info LCDR Matt Capon Desk: (207) 347-5023 E-mail: Sector Command Center: (207) 767-0303