SUSTAINABILITY 1 Commercial profitability through the regular staging of events At least 1 per month, on average: target of 200 participants/event when programme is mature; development and implementation of a concept for a large-scale annual event to be owned by DGC Commercial profitability through tourism activities. Profit from tourism activities, including Green Hub activities and visitors to sites, of R1,5 m Soliciting of sponsorship for events At least 1 per quarter with value in excess of R5 000
SUSTAINABILITY 2 TOURISM 1 Direct engagement with local companies with a view to accessing CSI or sponsorship funding. Donor funding/sponsorship of R800 000 in total Access of funding from SA and foreign grant-funding organisations via the submission of suitable proposals. An amount which DGC may retain as management fees of R200 000 (ie 10% of total funding) Promotion of the concept of Responsible Tourism through a charter; building of the network A network of at least 50 tourism product providers Compilation of a variety of tourism packages which have appeal to the main target audience as well as other potential users At least 30 marketable packages
Establishment and/or expansion of 6 enterprises in each route TOURISM 2 Implementation of accepted Marketing Plan and enhanced delivery through blogs, social media, press. Website: 10 000 hits/month and conversion of 5% Successful marketing and sales of packages Sale of 100 packages to individuals or groups Activitation of route coordinators at isiThumba, Kwa Dabeka and eNanda; building of local networks; promotion of local entrepreneurship; provision of enterprise development support Development of tourism products at Umgababa and the opening of a route there; appointment of route coordinator and activitation Engagement with eTM Business Support Unit to arrange ED activities and/or funding Establishment and/or expansion of 6 enterprises in each route
Popular, well-managed, hospitable sites which are commercially viable and at the heart of DGC tourism products Management; Greater integration into tourism product portfolio; Facilities development Implementation of outsourcing of isiThumba and advancement of the phased programme of handover; increase in number of visitors; target 300 visitors in the year Popularisation of eNanda and increased number of visitors; target 1000 in the year; improvement of facilities, notably achieve some progress towards building of boat-launching facility; development of trails packages for day visitors At Kwa Dabeka, Implement Advisory Council and management of facilities upgraded by ETM. Plan of outsourced operation of backpackers in 2018-19 Facilitate multi-stakeholder site development plan and operating model related to ETM infrastructure development.
TRAILS 1 Maintenance and improvement of existing trails All existing trails at a high level of maintenance and usability; Marking and mapping of all trails within the year Building of new trails either to develop other areas or improve novelty where they exist currently; Engagement of EMBA and other trail operators A minimum total of 40 kms of newly-built trails in at least 3 different areas within the year; make progress towards the achievement of a metro-wide trails management system Control mechanisms to be explored to identify ways in which users could contribute towards the costs of maintenance and development Design and implementation of a suitable mechanism for implementation as soon as possible, but not necessarily before July 2018
YOUTH DEVELOPMENT 1 TRAILS 2 Go! Durban Bike Academy Consistent attendance at bike hubs and educational tutorials by at least 50 youth/day; Four new hubs established by the end of the year (Chesterville, Albert Park, Amanzimtoti, Cornubia) Marketing campaign for the advertisement of trails so as to popularise their use A mechanism to monitor the use of trails; recording of numbers who use them following formal registration processes Implement a system to manage guiding at various trails so that value can be added for tourists Youth Garden Sports Programme Greater participation; more organised events; extension of sports to be offered Childrens' Wilderness Completion of the project within the year; lay the basis for future replication
YOUTH DEVELOPMENT 2 OPEN SPACES 1 Environmental education More children and youth should learn more about the care of the environment and recycling of waste OPEN SPACES 1 Employment of unemployed people to enable the implementation of several projects, viz Quarry Heights, INK Open Space Focus on management and delivery in respect of current projects: Childrens' Wilderness, Go! Durban Academy, Youth Garden Sports programme; initiate other possibilities and write proposals Noticeable improvement in the usage of open space and its environmental cleanliness; project objectives to be met Comprehensive and timeous reporting following honest evaluation of outcome and performance
OPEN SPACES 2 Conversion of open spaces into usable, attractive and productive areas for community and economic development Clearing of alien vegetation and other undesirable features of neglected open space; active partnership with DPaPP to campaign against plastic pollution; attention to pollution in the uMngeni River and its outlet to the sea (excluding the removal of aquatic weeds); application for funding for appropriate projects; collaboration with suitable partners such as DUCT and eTM. Accessing of funding for at least one significant project, either under DGC's own steam, or in collaboration with another partner/s; development of a plan for better management of trash booms, and, possibly, a better design; achievement of a water user licence The prime objective is to achieve this outsourcing of the isiThumba site which can serve as a model for future rollout. The outsourcing of isiThumba to a suitable local emerging small business in terms of a clear contract and a phased period of mentoring and hold-holding to guard against failure (This process has been initiated already)
OPERATIONS Commitment to vision and mission; information-sharing; teamwork Operational evidence of teamwork and joint commitment, including all managers, staff and board members Monitoring of performance against job profiles and KPIs Up-to-date, filed and accessible job profiles/contracts of employment at all times. Up-to-date asset register; identification of a suitable system (shareware?); central, regular procurement of consumables No losses; nothing mislaid or unaccounted for; more efficiences and cost-effective procurement and distribution of consumables Identification of the necessary protocols; Implementation of a plan; Organisation-wide management; Effective and continuous implementation across all aspects of the organisation Identification of competence and skill plus encouragement through recognition The advancement of at least 5 employees into higher positions, either within or outside the organisation