Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants Monday, 23 July 2018 Learning question: What happens during pollination?
Learning objectives: Identify the reproductive structures of a flower and state the function of each
Key words: Petal Nectar Anther Stigma Stamen Style Ovary Ovule Pollination Fertilsation
Plants have many different parts. Some are involved in reproduction. How many different parts can you name?
Structure and function of different parts of a flower Collect a definitions sheet from your teacher. Cut out the words under the heading “part” and match them up to the correct function. Check with your teacher before you stick them down! Part Function Petal Brightly coloured to attract insects and birds. Nectar Sugary liquid to feed visiting insects and birds. Anther Male part at top of stamen which produces and releases pollen (male sex cells). Stigma Catches pollen grains transferred from other flowers by wind or animals. Ovary Female part at base of flower containing the ovules (female sex cells). Ovules Becomes a seed when its nucleus fuses with pollen nucleus (fertilisation). Style Pollen tube grows down through this to reach the ovary.
Task Look at the different cards showing the stages of fertilisation. Sort them into the correct order and complete the stages on the sheet provided. Make sure that you write down what is happening, as well as adding to the diagrams.
Flower dissection Collect a flower, tweezers, paper and sticky tape. Carefully dissect your flower and place the parts onto a piece of card. You must label each individual part using the definitions table.
Pollination Start video at 7.32m