Policy, Assessment and Professional Learning INRP Seminar Lyon Helen Timperley University of Auckland
Policy Challenge Policy goal To equip all New Zealanders with the knowledge, skills and values to be successful citizens of the 21st century Reality High average achievement but many students not achieving well
Literacy Professional Development Project Contracted by Ministry of Education Professional development provider Employers visiting facilitators Works with school leaders and teachers To teach reading and writing more effectively (particularly to those not doing well)
Student outcomes: Writing Average effect size gain (data from a moderated sample of 1,064 students) 1.2 – equivalent to 2 to 3 times the expected gain For the lowest 20% of students, effect size 2.8 - approximately four times the expected gain over the two years.
Student Outcomes: Reading Average effect size gain 0.9 – approx. equivalent to twice the expected gain For lowest 20% of students effect size gain 1.99 – approx. equivalent to four times expected gain
Teacher inquiry and knowledge-building cycle to promote valued student outcomes What knowledge and skills do our students need? What knowledge and skills do we as teachers need? What has been the impact of our changed actions? Deepen professional knowledge and refine skills Engage students in new learning experiences
Conclusions Professional development can address issues of equality Requires formative assessment processes throughout the system in deliberate ways Requires boundary spanners (people and processes) for it to happen Student achievement information provides the touchstone for everyone’s learning