The World Bank Small Grants Program Overall Objective The Small Grants Program supports activities of civil society organizations (CSO’s) whose primary objective is civic engagement.
What kind of activities is supported? Workshops and seminars to enhance civic engagement skills and/or knowledge. Appropriate communication campaigns to influence policymaking or public service delivery. Innovative networking efforts to build the capacity of particular sector.
Funding Conditions Priority should be given to organizations that have not been supported by the Program in previous years. The budget should not exceed the maximum amount of $15,000 (range is between $3,000 to $7,000). Half of the budget should be in-kind contribution or leveraged from additional sources. Organizations are not eligible for more than three grants from the Small Grants Program within a five-year period. The activity should be completed within one year of the date the grant is awarded.
Selection Criteria for Grants Effectiveness. Feasibility. Organizational Capacity. Organizational Credibility. Importance. Balance.
Managing the Funds Conducting a due diligence review of the proposal. Signing a grant agreement letter between the Bank and the grantee organization. Requiring the organization to complete a final report. The CO should have some formal system for keeping track of the SGP.
Approaches to Management Internally Managed (In-house) Program. Externally Managed Program.
Winners of the SGP of the FY-06 The International Rescue Committee (IRC) Sudan South. New Sudan Indigenous NGOs Network (NESI Network). Oslo Group/Social and Human Development consultative Group (SAHDCG).