Subjunctive. endings: -ar:-e, -es, -e, -emos, -en You already know how to form the subjunctive. Conjugate the verb in the yo present tense, drop the –o and then add the ending for the subjunctive. endings: -ar:-e, -es, -e, -emos, -en -er and –ir: -a, -as, -a, -amos, -an. Ex. Ojala que yo me gradue. Ojala que nosotros pasemos la clase de español.
Subjunctive. Desear- to desire Esperar- to wait Querer- to want. There are other ways to use the subjunctive. Subjunctive with verbs of hope: to express hopes and wishes. Desear- to desire Esperar- to wait Querer- to want. How to write a sentence using verbs of hope: Verbs of hope (conjugated to the subject pronoun you are using) + que + different subject + subjunctive. Ex. Yo deseo que ustedes se graduen. I wish that all of you graduate.
Subjunctive. 2. Subjunctive using verbs of doubt. dudar- to doubt Es dudoso- it’s doubtful Es imposible- it’s impossible Es improbable- it’s improbable No es cierto- it’s not true No es verdad- it’s not true No estar de acuerdo con- not to be in agreement No estar seguro (a) de- not to be sure about How to write a sentence: Expression of doubt + que + different subject+ subjunctive. Ex. Es dudoso que yo tenga mas dinero en el futuro. It’s doubtful that I will have more money in the future.
Subjunctive. Subjunctive using verbs of influence. 1. aconsejar- to advise 2. dejar- to leave alone 3. exigir- to demand 4. insistir (en)- to insist 5. mandar- to send 6. pedir- to ask for 7. prohibir- to prohibit 8. recomendar- to recommend 9. sugerir- to suggest How to write a sentence using verbs of influence: Verb of influence (conjugated to the subject pronoun you are using in the present tense) + que + different subject + subjunctive Ex. Yo aconsejo que tu te sientes en el piso. I suggest that you sit on the floor.
Ejemplos. Es dudoso que la policia no siga las reglas. (it’s doubtful that the police will follow the rules) Es imposible que yo haga todo solo. (It’s impossible that I do everything by myself) No es cierto que tu vayas a perder. (It’s not true that you will lose) Aconsejo que voten por mi. ( I advise you to vote for me) Recomiendo que peleen por el clima. ( I recommend that all of you fight for the environment) Prohibo las malas hazañas. ( I prohibit bad things)