Presentation of D. Jack Smith Annual Charitable Awards Agenda Welcome Chairman’s Report Presentation of D. Jack Smith Annual Charitable Awards Presentations by various village organisations Great Horwood and Singleborough Youth Club Great Horwood Football Club Scouts and Cubs Horwode Pece Recreation Ground Village Hall Great Horwood Parish Plan Steering Committee Others Public Participation.
Chairman’s Report
Parish Council Moya Berrill James Samways – Recreation Committee Ian Lamberton – Planning Committee Michael Brocklehurst – Planning Committee and Chairman of the Recreation Committee Rod Moulding – Vice Chairman of the Council and Chairman of the Planning Committee John Gilbey - Chairman
New Clerk to the Council Karen Francis – appointed July 2009
Planning Committee Chairman Cllr. Rod Moulding Winslow Green No appeal made by the developers. 24 Planning Applications considered in the year. 2 Objected to 2 Supported 20 No objection When an application is either supported or opposed (as opposed to no objection) a letter is also now included with the application with additional information.
Planning contd. Cllr. Moulding has represented the Parish Council at the Examination in Public of the Core Strategy of the AVDC Local Development Framework. We have objected to Great Horwood being placed in the so called 4th tier for allocation of housing development up to 2026. We do not meet the criteria laid down by AVDC for a 4th tier settlement but they included us anyway. Rod also spoke at the Development Control Committee meeting last week when the revised planning application for 22 Greenway was being heard. Well Done Rod.
Recreation Committee Horwode Pece Recreation Ground Official Opening took place on 17th May 2009. Cllrs. Brocklehurst and Samways have continued as the nominated Parish Councillors on the Great Horwood and Singleborough Recreation Trust. Phase 2 installation currently in progress. The Parish Council has continued the purchase the equipment using grants obtained by the Horwode Pece Trust. When the second phase is completed there will be over £100k of equipment on the rec.
Dog and Litter bins 2 additional dog bins were installed during the year. One of the original bins which had been sited in the High Street had to be re-sited to a position at the bottom of Church Lane 4 new litter bins were installed in strategic positions by the bus stops along Little Horwood Road and the High Street.
The Old Recreation Ground Willow Road – November 2007
Willow Road Allotments - yesterday
BCC Delegated Budget Funding The installation of the footpath at the top of Nash Road opposite Chapel House was completed during the year. We have once again been successful in an application for funds from the BCC Local Area Forum delegated budget for dropped kerbs to be installed along Little Horwood Road and Spring Lane.
Village Clubs Cricket Club Football Club Approached the Council about obtaining a new long term lease of their current location. They agreed to get a professional valuation carried out and appoint solicitors to draw up a formal lease agreement No yet concluded Football Club The Parish Council approved a contribution of £275 to a grant obtained from AVDC for improvement to the toilets.
Donations made Great Horwood Silver Band £250 During the year the Council made the following donations to organisations:- Great Horwood Silver Band £250 Winslow and District Community Bus £250 Focus £100
Consultations received During the year the Parish Council has responded to a significant number of consultation documents from various bodies. These have included:- The Whaddon Chase Community Green Infrastructure Plan. BCC Area 12 Speed Limit Review. AVDC Supplementary Planning Document on Conservation Areas AVDC Supplementary Planning Document on Milton Keynes SW Development Area (Salden Chase) BCC Local Transport Plan 3 – initial consultation
Other activities Another successful Litter Pick was carried out on Sunday 28th March. Thanks to James Samways for organising it. Liz Nicholls and I attended a presentation evening of BCA where the Parish was awarded a commemorative plaque and a tree in recognition of the production of our Parish Plan back in 2006. The Council supported the setting up of the Pub Lunch Club which now takes place on the last Tuesday of every month in The Swan when between 22 and 30 people attend.
Organisations We have continued to be active members of a number of organisations in order to ensure that the voice of Great Horwood is heard across North Bucks. These organisations are:- BCC Winslow and District Local Area Forum NBPPC (North Bucks Parish Planning Consortium) Buckingham South NAG (Neighbourhood Action Group) – liaison with local PCSO Lucy Andrews. Aylesbury Vale North Sports Committee BALC (Bucks Association of Local Councils) AVALC (Aylesbury Vale Association of Local Councils) BCA (Bucks Community Action) AVDC Local Council Planning Liaison Group
Thames Valley Police New PCSO Lucy Andrews Regularly seen around the village Working on the parking problem at the top of Spring Lane. Village re-allocated to Buckingham South Neighbourhood Action Group by Inspector Emma Garside.
Plans and thoughts for the coming year. Install the tree on The Green when available – expected September. Replace the Bus shelter at the end of Little Horwood Road. Consider installing a 2nd notice board. Support the preparation of the Village Design Statement Continue to support the Horwode Pece Recreation Ground Finalise the review of the lease of the Cricket Club. Parish Youth Council Investigating the possibility of updating the War Memorial in the village
Vacancy on the Parish Council We still have one vacancy on the council and we can co-opt a member. This appointment will last until May 2011 when the whole council will be subject to re-election. Please let me know if you are interested in finding out more
Parish Council website Don’t forget to use our website at www.bucksinfo.net/greathorwoodpc
D Jack Smith Annual Charitable Awards (Our Lord of the Manor)
D Jack Smith Annual Charitable Awards Great Horwood Cricket Club £1500 1st Great Horwood Brownie Pack £500 Great Horwood and Singleborough Youth Club £500 Great Horwood Village Hall £433.64 Great Horwood and Singleborough W.I. £200