UPSKILLING THE CLD WORKFORCE: Leadership Development Seminar, CLDMS Conference, 2/6/09 Colin Ross, Learning Connections
The Upskilling Programme Aim: to improve outcomes for individuals and communities through better CLD practice Investment identified through SG spending review (for 09-11) Deliver through partnership National and local impact Making investment sustainable
Priorities set in the spending review Context: Skills for Scotland Raise skills of CLD workforce to Lead and manage in collaborative contexts Facilitate learner journeys Target and work with the most disadvantaged learners
Current position Report on findings of scoping exercise Ministerial approval for outline of action plan Detailed planning Establishing delivery mechanisms
Project Plan includes… National workforce development strategy and programme Continuous learning framework A coherent system of learning opportunities A programme to develop collaborative leadership and management
The leadership dimension of the programme A programme of courses and mentoring Refining understanding of needs Feedback from the national workforce development programme Integrating learning for leadership and management within the programme Further development of learning opportunities
Issues for discussion: 1. Longer-term Development What needs to change? Who are we trying to reach – priorities? What sort of provision? Credit-rating/levelling/assessment? How do we include all partners? What’s the scope for: collaboration across sectors? links with corporate training?
Issues for discussion: 2. Short-term Action Priorities/targeting? Those currently in leadership positions Those aspiring to leadership positions What is/are the best modes of delivery? Credit-rating/levelling/assessment? Including partners
Issues for discussion: 3. CLDMS Role?