Unconventional applications of Intel® Xeon Phi™ Processor (KNL) Antonio Cisternino (@cisterni)
Intel® Xeon Phi™ Processor Knights Landing (KNL) Differently from its predecessor (Knights Corner) KNL features full x86 support and it’s bootable Each core has 2 FPUs 512b wide for vectorization Core is derived from silvermont though significantly changed Modes support different workloads though using MCDRAM as cache is usually preferred
How the non FPU part works? We tested software stacks as far as possible from the typical HPC stack We used the following software stack: Linux Mono (open source .NET implementation) F# (using fsharpi the language REPL) Visual Studio Code + Ionide Firefox The platform allows to stress CPU (JIT and code) and memory (Garbage collection)
Visual Studio Code running on KNL accessed using X-Windows (Data science using FSLab)
(easier) Parallel programming Parallel task library 52x Sequential Parallel
A platform for microservices? Use of Suave F# web server to create a process exposing a simple function through HTTP Use of http_load tool for stress testing a number of URLs with different degree of parallelism Tested a large number (up to 128) web servers running on Dell C6320p with Intel® Xeon Phi™ Processor 7210 and on a Dell R730 with two Xeon E2680-v4 CPUs Measured: Latency of connection and data reception Number of fetches over 10 seconds made by a number of concurrent threads to all the servers We tried 256 Web servers though Xeon failed to properly start all the instances whilst KNL managed to start all of them
The (trivial) web server
64 web servers accessed by 64 threads XeonPHI Xeon E2680-v4 (2x)
64 Web servers accessed by 8 threads XeonPHI Xeon E2680-v4 (2x)
Comparisons of KNL vs Xeon 64/64 8/64 128/128 8/128
Conclusions A single Intel® Xeon Phi™ Processor core is less powerful (around 5-6x of a Xeon one) I/O bound workloads may nevertheless benefit from massively parallel architecture (including MCDRAM benefits) Mixed workload are possible allowing for vector- aware code to be coordinated by more traditional languages Productivity benefits from mature software stacks Intel® Xeon Phi™ Processor looks viable as a platform for microservices specially for the advantages of reduced power consumption