Where do you house your CIA? (curriculum-instruction-assessment) Crafter . . . Is it a good fit??? Where do you house your CIA? (curriculum-instruction-assessment) By Patti Ward, Educational Consultant
What’s in it? Why would we use it? How do we use it? Curriculum Crafter What’s in it? Why would we use it? How do we use it?
What’s in it???? Kindergarten – 12th Grade: CCSS ELA Units by Kent ISD CCSS Math Units by Kent ISD Social Studies Units by Kent ISD Science Units by Kent ISD MAISA CCSS ELA Units MAISA CCSS Math Units MC3 Social Studies Units Outlines for ‘Specials’ e.g. Art, Music, … Thousands of web links and resources all aligned to a Unit of Instruction.
One Content Area, One Grade Level Easy to navigate One Content Area, One Grade Level
What’s in a Unit? Standards listed/aligned Essential Questions Handout #1 What’s in a Unit? Standards listed/aligned Essential Questions Enduring Understandings 21st Century Learning Vocabulary Project Based Learning Lessons Resources Assessments (and/or Claim Statements) Concepts pertaining to Unit Understandings I.1.A.2 Standards Alignment, reviewed and monitored
See Handout #1 One Unit
Handout #2 View Grade Level Flow
Searchable by Standard
Searchable by Keyword
-- a year at a glance Vocabulary
Units --a year at a glance
User Account Role Explanations: ü District Administrator Full access to all component features Create/maintain accounts (e.g. add/delete Users) Full access to editing, mapping capabilities and uploading documents Full access to all reports (e.g. Courses/Units of Instruction, etc.) ü Department Head (Cannot create/maintain accounts) ü User Plus Can upload documents into resource folder ü User Cannot edit; view access only
Why use it? One place for curriculum, resources, and assessments. No more g-drives, thumb drives, 3-ring binders. All your stuff in one place. Share your stuff with everyone in your district instantly (anywhere you have internet access).
Professional Learning Communities PLC Conversations: What worked well? What should we change? Did the assessment measure student learning effectively?? Were the Tier II, Tier III interventions effective? Let’s make the changes right now before we forget!
School Improvement Framework Curriculum Crafter supports the School Improvement Framework Curriculum School/district written curriculum is aligned with and references the appropriate learning standards. School/district curriculum is provided to staff, students, and parents in a manner they can understand. Instruction Processes used to plan, monitor, reflect and refine instruction that support high expectations for all students. Instructional practices are used to facilitate student learning. Assessment Schools/districts systematically gather and use multiple sources of evidence to monitor student achievement. Student assessment results are communicated to, and used by, staff, students, and parents to improve student achievement.
Curriculum Crafter will and Assessments in one web-based container. organize and store all your Curriculum, Instruction and Assessments in one web-based container.
Thank You! Patti Ward, M.Ed Contact: patriciaward@kentisd.org 616.204.2099