CREATIVE WRITING: TASK SENTENCE TYPES Let’s review. There are two parts to every sentence: SUBJECT + PREDICATE A subject is the part that is doing the action. I can be a simple subject (he) or a complex subject (the English teacher). A predicate is what the subject is doing. It can be simple (read) or complex (is reading a scary book). Ex: My teachers come from all over the world.
CREATIVE WRITING: TASK SENTENCE TYPES Let’s review. There are two parts to every sentence: SUBJECT + PREDICATE Look at the following examples. Cut the sentence in half with subject on the left, predicate on the right. And underline the simple subject and simple predicates. Some of the teachers have been in Taiwan a long time. At school, the children work really hard. The English and Chinese subjects are very hard. Every one of us will work hard in grade 5.
CREATIVE WRITING: TASK SENTENCE TYPES Let’s review. There are two parts to every sentence: SUBJECT + PREDICATE Look at the following examples. Cut the sentence in half with subject on the left, predicate on the right. And underline the simple subject and simple predicates. Some of the teachers have been in Taiwan a long time. At school, the children work really hard. The English and Chinese subjects are very hard. Every one of us will work hard in grade 5.
CREATIVE WRITING: TASK SIMPLE SENTENCES There are also four different types of sentences: Statement (An informative sentence) Question (A sentence that asks for an answer) Command (A sentence with an imperative to do something) Exclamation (A statement, that doesn’t require a response)
CREATIVE WRITING: TASK SIMPLE SENTENCES What types of sentences are these: Statement Question Command Exclamation That movie was excellent! Sit down and open your books. Who said you could leave the classroom? I have to write my homework before I eat dinner. How beautiful you look.
CREATIVE WRITING: TASK SIMPLE SENTENCES What types of sentences are these: Statement Question Command Exclamation That movie was excellent! Sit down and open your books. Who said you could leave the classroom? I have to write my homework before I eat dinner. How beautiful you look.
CREATIVE WRITING: TASK COMPOUND SENTENCES You can join two sentences together with: AND, OR, BUT AND “AND” combines two positive or two negative sentences. I like pizza and I like chocolate. I don’t like Brussels sprouts and I don’t like stinky tofu. You can only use “AND” one time to combine two sentences.
CREATIVE WRITING: TASK COMPOUND SENTENCES You can join two sentences together with: AND, OR, BUT OR “OR” combines two choices; you cannot have both. Tonight, I will cook at home or I will go to a restaurant. You should only use “OR” to combine two sentences.
CREATIVE WRITING: TASK COMPOUND SENTENCES You can join two sentences together with: AND, OR, BUT BUT “BUT” combines a negative and a positive sentence. I love Italian food but I don’t like cheese. I don’t like Japanese anime movies but I like Disney animation movies.
CREATIVE WRITING: TASK COMPOUND SENTENCES Compound subjects use more than one subject that have the same predicate (more than 3 and you commas between subjects): Compound predicates use more than one predicate for the same subject: Mr. Matt, Ms. Lin and Mr. Daniel are tired. Swimming and Running aren’t easy to do for a long time. Mr. Daniel is tired and will go to bed early. Running isn’t easy to do for a long time and is exhausting.
CREATIVE WRITING: TASK COMPOUND SENTENCES How would you combine the following sentences together? I like football. I like basketball. I did the homework. It wasn’t easy. Sometimes I eat a sandwich for breakfast. Sometimes I eat cereal. I can run fast. I can jump high. I could walk when I was 3. I couldn’t speak English when I was 3.
CREATIVE WRITING: TASK COMPOUND SENTENCES How would you combine the following sentences together? I like football. I like basketball. I like football, I like basketball. (I like football and basketball.) I did the homework. It wasn’t easy. Sometimes I eat a sandwich for breakfast. Sometimes I eat cereal. I can run fast. I can jump high. I could walk when I was 3. I couldn’t speak English when I was 3.
CREATIVE WRITING: TASK COMPOUND SENTENCES How would you combine the following sentences together? I like football. I like basketball. I like football, I like basketball. (I like football and basketball.) I did the homework. It wasn’t easy. I did the homework, but it wasn’t easy. Sometimes I eat a sandwich for breakfast. Sometimes I eat cereal. I can run fast. I can jump high. I could walk when I was 3. I couldn’t speak English when I was 3.
CREATIVE WRITING: TASK COMPOUND SENTENCES How would you combine the following sentences together? I like football. I like basketball. I like football, I like basketball. (I like football and basketball.) I did the homework. It wasn’t easy. I did the homework, but it wasn’t easy. Sometimes I eat a sandwich for breakfast. Sometimes I eat cereal. Sometimes I eat a sandwich for breakfast and sometimes I eat… (I eat a sandwich or cereal for breakfast.) I can run fast. I can jump high. I could walk when I was 3. I couldn’t speak English when I was 3.
CREATIVE WRITING: TASK COMPOUND SENTENCES How would you combine the following sentences together? I like football. I like basketball. I like football, I like basketball. (I like football and basketball.) I did the homework. It wasn’t easy. I did the homework, but it wasn’t easy. Sometimes I eat a sandwich for breakfast. Sometimes I eat cereal. Sometimes I eat a sandwich for breakfast and sometimes I eat… (I eat sandwich or cereal for breakfast.) I can run fast. I can jump high. I can run fast and I can jump high. (I can run fast and jump high.) I could walk when I was 3. I couldn’t speak English when I was 3.
CREATIVE WRITING: TASK COMPOUND SENTENCES How would you combine the following sentences together? I like football. I like basketball. I like football, I like basketball. (I like football and basketball.) I did the homework. It wasn’t easy. I did the homework, but it wasn’t easy. Sometimes I eat a sandwich for breakfast. Sometimes I eat cereal. Sometimes I eat a sandwich for breakfast and sometimes I eat… (I eat sandwich or cereal for breakfast.) I can run fast. I can jump high. I can run fast and I can jump high. (I can run fast and jump high.) I could walk when I was 3. I couldn’t speak English when I was 3. I could walk when I was 3, but I couldn’t speak English.
CREATIVE WRITING: TASK CLAUSES (COMPLEX SENTENCES) Sometimes when you combine two sentences, one can only happen if the other half happens. Even though I was tired, I watched the movie. Before and after the comma are clauses (sentences within a sentence). One clause cannot happen without the other clause. “I watched the movie” is the independent clause, because it can be written by itself and doesn’t require an explanation. “Even though I was tired” is dependent, because it only make sense as a sentence when it’s combined with the independent clause.
CREATIVE WRITING: TASK CLAUSES (COMPLEX SENTENCES) Here are sentences with a dependent and independent clause. Which part is independent? Which is dependent? (NOTE: When the dependent clause comes first you need a comma). Though he was tired, he watched the late night movie. Tom flew his kite while the wind was blowing. Because it was raining, I took my umbrella. After dinner, I did my homework. I won the race despite having a broken leg.
CREATIVE WRITING: TASK CLAUSES (COMPLEX SENTENCES) Here are sentences with a dependent and independent clause. Which part is independent? Which is dependent? (NOTE: When the dependent clause comes first you need a comma). Though he was tired, he watched the late night movie. Tom flew his kite while the wind was blowing. Because it was raining, I took my umbrella. After dinner, I did my homework. I won the race despite having a broken leg.
CREATIVE WRITING: TASK CLAUSES (COMPLEX SENTENCES) Here are sentences with a dependent and independent clause. Which part is independent? Which is dependent? (NOTE: When the dependent clause comes first you need a comma). Though he was tired, he watched the late night movie. Tom flew his kite while the wind was blowing. Because it was raining, I took my umbrella. After dinner, I did my homework. I won the race despite having a broken leg.
CREATIVE WRITING: TASK CLAUSES (COMPLEX SENTENCES) Here are sentences with a dependent and independent clause. Which part is independent? Which is dependent? (NOTE: When the dependent clause comes first you need a comma). Though he was tired, he watched the late night movie. Tom flew his kite while the wind was blowing. Because it was raining, I took my umbrella. After dinner, I did my homework. I won the race despite having a broken leg.
CREATIVE WRITING: TASK CLAUSES (COMPLEX SENTENCES) Here are sentences with a dependent and independent clause. Which part is independent? Which is dependent? (NOTE: When the dependent clause comes first you need a comma). Though he was tired, he watched the late night movie. Tom flew his kite while the wind was blowing. Because it was raining, I took my umbrella. After dinner, I did my homework. I won the race despite having a broken leg.
CREATIVE WRITING: TASK CLAUSES (COMPLEX SENTENCES) Here are sentences with a dependent and independent clause. Which part is independent? Which is dependent? (NOTE: When the dependent clause comes first you need a comma). Though he was tired, he watched the late night movie. Tom flew his kite while the wind was blowing. Because it was raining, I took my umbrella. After dinner, I did my homework. I won the race despite having a broken leg.
CREATIVE WRITING: TASK CLAUSES (COMPLEX SENTENCES) Notice when we combine clauses, we have a word that introduces the dependent clause (and if it comes first, we use a comma before the independent clause). Though he was tired, he watched the late night movie. Tom flew his kite while the wind was blowing. Because it was raining, I took my umbrella. After dinner, I did my homework. I won the race despite having a broken leg. Make sentences using these words (subordinating clauses): 1. before 2. if 3. while 4.during 5.whenever
CREATIVE WRITING: TASK SENTENCE TYPES SIMPLE SENTENCES: Statement, Question, Command, Exclamation COMPOUND SENTENCES: …and…, …or…, …but… COMPLEX SENTENCES: (independent clause) (dependent clause) (dependent clause) , (independent clause) (though, while, before/after, when, during, if, despite…)
CREATIVE WRITING: TASK SENTENCE TYPES Varying sentence structure can make your writing more interesting. Notice the variety in the 11 sentences of this speech. Write each sentence, and label it simple, compound, or complex. Underline any conjunctions. FOR THE SAKE OF SNAKES Many humans dislike snakes, but they should admire these animals instead. After humans move into a place, snakes move out. However, snakes are useful to humans. They prey on rats, mice, and other rodents. When snakes decrease, these rodents increase. Although snakes may look crazy, they are weak in some ways. They have no ears, and they have no voice. Also, their body temperature depends on the air temperature. They cannot move until warm air heats their bodies. People would respect snakes if they learned more about them. Unless people become educated about such creatures, some species may become extinct.
CREATIVE WRITING CREEPY-CRAWLERS How do you feel about snakes, worms, bugs or other creepy-crawly things? Do you feel scared? Curious? Amused? Impressed? Protective? Write an essay about such a creature. Be sure to use strong reasons to support your opinions. Use simple, compound, and complex sentences. Introduction Reason 1/Thing 1 (with evidence) Reason 2/Thing 2 (with evidence) Reason 3/Thing 3 (with evidence) Conclusion You can choose to write about one thing with 3 reasons and evidence (3+6+6+6+3).