ENERGY PRODUCTION ATP (adenosine triphosphate) What? Where? How? Mitochondria
THREE ENERGY SYSTEMS Immediate Energy System ATP-PCr phosphocreatine Nonoxidative (anaerobic) Energy System Lactic Acid System Anaerobic Glycolysis Oxidative (aerobic) Energy System
ENERGY SYSTEM COMPARISONS Immediate Nonoxidative Oxidative Duration of Activity 0-10 seconds 10 seconds-2 minutes ≥2 minutes Intensity of Activity Very high High Low Rate of ATP Production Immediate, very rapid Rapid (2 ATP per 1 molecule glucose) Slower, but prolonged (38 ATP per 1 molecule of glucose) Fuel ATP and Creatine Phosphate Glycogen and Glucose Glucose, Fat, Protein Oxygen? No (Anaerobic) Yes (Aerobic) Limited by? Creatine Phosphate Lactic Acid Fuel sources, fatigue
BENEFITS OF CARDIORESPIRATORY EXERCISE “TRAINING EFFECT” Improvements in Cardio-respiratory Function a. VO2 Max (maximal oxygen consumption) b. heart works less at given work load. Why? 1. stroke volume 2. cardiac output 2. rest for heart between beats (RHR) 3. oxygen carrying capacity of blood c. heart rate d. blood pressure at given work load e. increased lactate threshold
VO2 Max Age Declines after age 25-30 2. Heredity Contributes 25-40% 3. Body Composition Profound effect 4. Nutritional Habits Profound effect 5. Training 20-30% increase 6. Mode of Exercise Depends on quantity of muscle mass used
BENEFITS of IMPROVED CARDIORESPIRATORY FITNESS 2. Health Benefits a. Risk of Heart Disease b. blood pressure c. high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol d. low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol e. body fatness (easier weight control) f. risk Type 2 diabetes) g. bone density h. immune function i. long term quality of life
BENEFITS of IMPROVED CARDIORESPIRATORY FITNESS 3. Muscular adaptations a. size and number of mitochondria b. ability to use fat for energy c. size of muscle fibers being trained d. capillaries e. muscle tone and endurance
BENEFITS of IMPROVED CARDIORESPIRATORY FITNESS 4. Emotional Benefits a. anxiety and depression b. feelings of well being (self-esteem) c. work, recreational, and sport performance d. improved sleep e. easier weight control
The Karvonen Formula is a mathematical formula that helps you determine your target heart rate (HR) training zone. THR= [(MHR− RHR) × %HRR] + RHR THR = Target Heart Rate MHR = Maximum Heart Rate (defined as 220-age) HRR = Heart Rate Reserve Example: Jane is 20 years old and has a resting heart rate of 60bpm. She wants to know her target heart rate range using 60%-80% of her heart rate reserve. THR = [(200bpm-60bpm) X 60%] + 60bpm THR= (140bpmX60% ) + 60bpm THR= 84bpm+60bpm THR = 144bpm THR = [(200bpm-60bpm) X 80%] + 60bpm THR= (140bpmX80% ) + 60bpm THR= 112bpm+60bpm THR = 172bpm Jane’s THR range 144bpm to 172bpm.
Warm Up Conditioning Bout Cool Down 5-15 minutes 20-30 minutes 5-15 minutes Maximum Rate Target Heart Rate H E A R T Resting Rate