Team Name Flight Readiness Review (this is a bare-bones template – reorder the slides and/or make it fancier if you wish, but be sure to address at least the items listed here) (plan to speak for 5 – 7 minutes – don’t go overtime, but if your presentation is too short then add more content) (share the speaking time approximately equally, even if that means that not everyone does the same number of slides) Include a photo of the team members holding the nearly-completed rocket Team Members Full Names Class Number and Date
Reminder of Design Remind your classmates of your design with at least one diagram from OpenRocket. Add labels. Point out the features that make your rocket interesting/unique. That is, explicitly state some of your team’s design decisions.
Construction Photographs (3 slides max) Show a series of photos of your construction process. Each photo should have a brief caption.
Rocket Photo End with a photo (or two) of the final rocket, possibly with a person or a ruler in view, for scale. At this point in your presentation show the class the actual rocket (assembled) and discuss how it comes apart during flight. Mention your plans for painting the rocket.
Flight Performance Predictions Use OpenRocket to predict how your rocket will preform with an AeroTech I140W motor and present the results here. Point out key features of the flight like the speed off the rail, the max. velocity, the max. altitude (AKA apogee), the total coast time (needed to adjust the delay on the motor eject), the planned altimeter programming for the drogue ejection, the planned altimeter programming for the main ejection, estimated distance to landing point (assuming light winds), landing speed, etc. Use Imperial units – including metric units as well is optional (but a good idea).
Team Organization Draw an organizational figure (AKA an “Org chart”) indicating who actually did what on your rocket build. Note – this is a graphic, not a text list. Be sure to indicate (at least) (a) who is the team contact (AKA team lead), (b) who is most-responsible for the av-by (especially the wiring, programming, and operation – this person needs to memorize the “beep patterns” so they know it is working properly once turned on), and (c) who will be responsible for taking photos/video on the flight day.