ACEA Annual Conference Perdido Beach Resort Orange Beach, AL May 10, 2017 Pavement Preservation Projects Adam Sanford, P.E. Design Section Engineer County Transportation Bureau
Topics Covered What qualifies as a Pavement Preservation Project? Guidance on Conducting Scope of Work Reviews Plan Submittals and Supporting Documentation
Pavement Preservation Project Qualifications Must have an overlay of 225 lbs/sy or less (2”) NOTE: Overlay must conform to laydown rates found in GFO 6-10. Planing to provide depth for overlay is acceptable. 50% or less of project limits requires spot leveling No widening of lane widths required
Scenario # 1 Will it qualify? Revert back to 3R Procedures Scenario # 1 Will it qualify?
Scenario # 2 How about this one? iIs this road in super? SORRY! Scenario # 2 How about this one? 150 + 250 = 400 Widening too!
TThis one is crooked too! We’ve got a winner!! Scenario # 3 will it? 150 lbs/sy
Scope of Work Reviews Saves Time! County will be notified when to Contact Region to schedule this review (after initiation-Resolution). New Form – Pavement Pres. Scope of Work Serves as both the Project Engineering Record (PER) and the Materials Report Once completed by County, submit to Region for concurrence and they will submit to our office for approval. Saves Time!
Plan Submittals Once scope of work report is approved, send in plans to Region and our office for PS&E Review as usual. County Transportation Bureau will coordinate with Region and County to set up time, date, and location of this review. Intent of this new policy is to go from PS&E Review directly to Office Engineer submittal. Another time saver
Bumps Along the Way Found that title and summary of quantities sheets still have to be sent to Construction Bureau for DBE goal setting. First several projects still receive “cursory” review of plan notes, special provisions, and working days from Construction. In turn, our office has to provide all this information to Construction and eventually we will provide it directly to O.E. after PS&E. Baby steps, my friend!
Supporting Documents Same as on a normal resurfacing project, except one more thing. Our office needs a list of applicable special provisions from the county on the next submittal after the PS&E. I want to share with you some things I’ve learned regarding special provisions…
Special Provisions 12-0095(2) – DBE 12-0769(2) – Extra & Force Account 12-0105 – Cross Slope 12-0879 – Award of Contract 12-0198 - Combination Bids 12-1385 – Buy America Products 12-0263(3) – Asphalt 12-1597(2) – Markings & Legends 12-0354 – Testing Materials 12-1625 – Execution of Contract 12-0355 – Mineral Filler, etc. 12-1657(3) – Weight Measurements 12-0399(3) – Erosion Control 12-1726 – Cargo Preference Act 12-0426(3) – Liquidated Damages 12-1799 - Mobilization 12-0521 – Def. of Terms 12-0530 – Prep. Of Proposals 12-0604 – Time Extensions 12-0607 – Completion Advertisement 12-0643(2) – Const. Fuel
Questions? Adam Sanford, P.E. Design Section Engineer County Transportation Bureau Phone: (334) 242-6719 Email: Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. Colossians 3:23-24