Welcome to Rockford JO Volleyball


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to Rockford JO Volleyball October 23, 2016 October 30, 2016

What is JO Volleyball? JO Volleyball stands for Junior Olympic Volleyball. It is played by girls age 9 or 10 years through 18 years ….and now boys too! It is played during a school’s off season, and is often an extension of the school season. JO Volleyball takes over mid-November and our program concludes in March or April. JO Volleyball includes both play-dates and tournament play.

Our Website www.rockfordball.com The official website for the Rockford Area Athletic Association (RAAA) and Rockford JO Volleyball is: www.rockfordball.com

RAAA Volleyball Board Director: Tracy Bremel Assistant Director: Marcia Carlson Treasurer: Mary Buenger

North Country Region (NCR) Rockford JO Club Volleyball is registered with the North Country Region (NCR) Volleyball League. Our NCR registration provides our training (players and coaches), insurance and tournament opportunities. We may only attend NCR sponsored events to be covered by their insurance. NCR Members receive discounted tickets to MN Gopher Volleyball games! For more information on this league, go to www.ncrusav.org.

Team Sizes When at all possible, there will be a minimum number of 8 players per team and a maximum number of 12.  In the case that additional players are needed to reach the 8 player minimum, a new player may be added to a roster at any time during the season.  In order to avoid a forfeit at a play date or tournament, the coaches and director(s) may ask a player from one team to move up/over to another team for that particular date.  Forfeiting an event can result in significant negative consequences to the team (or all Rockford JO teams), such as exclusion from future events.

Team Placement Players will be placed on a team based on their age and skill level, or may also be grouped by grade level.  Younger players may play up in an older age group, but older players are not allowed to play down in a younger age group. Evaluations will be held the first week of December to help determine players that can “move up” where necessary. Please watch for emails with more information.

Cost Girls (and boys age 14 and under): The players fee for the 2016-2017 season will be $175 for the 10’s team and 11’s team and $200 for all other girls teams 12’s through 18’s.  High School Boys: The players fee for the 2016-2017 season will be $150. There will be a $100 uniform/volunteer deposit for all players (separate check required). Check will be returned at the end of the season when jersey is returned and if volunteer obligations have been fulfilled. All fees must be paid prior to the first practice to be eligible to participate.

Additional Costs Additional costs during the season will include travel to and from practices and tournaments, lodging (if necessary), food & drinks during tournaments, and personal equipment such as clothes, shoes and knee pads.   If the players choose to purchase additional clothing (such as sweatshirts or warm-ups), that will be optional and not required. Our apparel website will be open later in November.

Volunteer Expectations All players 11’s and up are asked to work 3-4 shifts of the Sunday Night Women’s Volleyball League. You will help to set up the nets, score flip and signal the serve, and put away the nets. NEW: Players will need to either sign up for their shifts or pay an additional $50 Sunday Night Women’s League Opt Out Fee no later than Dec. 1st. Rockford Rumble: Each player and parent need to work at least one shift during our tournament (parents are exempt from working a shift if they are coaching during the tournament) Additional Volunteer shift required at one of the following: Rockford Rumble, MYAS Basketball Tournament or Billy’s Bingo (adults only)

Practice Times & Location All practices will be held in the Rockford High School gym and/or the Rockford Community Center (enter through the Rockford Community Center ) or in the REAMS gym (enter through the bus entrance). Practices will be on Sunday afternoons: 1:00 – 3:00 pm 3:00 – 5:00 pm Weeknight evening practices (1½ hours) will be scheduled once teams are determined. Additional practice times may be scheduled by the director, based on coach request and court availability. 

Practice Policies Attendance to practice is strongly recommended but not mandatory.  Players are encouraged to attend even if you can’t make the entire time.  Players who attend practice regularly will likely receive more playing time during games.  Play after an excused* absence at practice is up to the coach and will be determined on a case by case basis.  (*Excused means you notified the coach ahead of time.) Parents are welcome to stay and watch practice.  Siblings not enrolled in the program may sit and watch but are not allowed on the court or to leave the practice area without an RCC membership or day pass. Rockford Community Center members are welcome to use the facilities and practice on your own as time allows.  Equipment is available upon request at the community center.

Liability Health & Injury Waiver for Pre-Season Activities – this waiver must be signed BY A PARENT prior to any open gym participation. The RCC requires that players be dropped off no more than 20 minutes prior to practice and picked up no later than 20 minutes following practice. Practice eligibility – you must be a registered member of NCR and have signed your letter of commitment to Rockford JO Volleyball to participate in ANY Rockford JO Volleyball practice. Family may watch practice from the bleachers but may only use the RCC facilities if you are an RCC member. Day passes can be purchased for $5. ANY Injury that requires medical attention (including concussion) will require a doctors release to return to practice. *Coaches will notify parents if any issues arise during practice.

Officiating Training All players and coaches are required to attend the in-person training that covers R1, R2 and Line Judging. *Rockford JO to host. ONLINE training will be available Scorers and Libero Trackers through the NCR Website. This must be completed before January 8, 2017. *A minimum of 4 players per team must complete this training prior to the first tournament. Coaches will determine the role of each player based on training fulfillments. Each player will be required to participate as an R1, R2, Line Judge, Scorer and/or Libero Tracker at each tournament.

Heartland Playdates & Tournaments Teams will participate in the Heartland Rox Playdates held on Sundays in either Monticello or Big Lake. 15s-18s teams may participate in the Heartland tournaments on those same dates in the same locations as the Playdates. Teams (11s-14s) will participate in the Heartland Mid-Winter Classic.  This is a Saturday tournament in either Onamia or Oglivie. The Heartland playdates are a morning OR afternoon schedule. The tournaments are a morning + afternoon schedule. Heartland does not charge admission to attend any of their events.

Other Tournaments The 10s-18s + High School Boys teams will participate in the Rockford Rumble tournament. The President’s Day Festival is a weekend tournament (Saturday AND Sunday). 10s-14s will play February 11 and 12 and 15s-18s will play February 18 and 19. High School Boys will play February 18. The High School Boys team will play in 2-3 playdates and/or tournaments.

Playing Time at Tournaments Rockford JO Volleyball will give NO guarantee of playing time for players on teams.   We will offer fair playing time to each team player.  Fair is not equal.  We will play your daughter/son as much as possible taking into consideration skill level, competition, position, dedication, attitude, injury and illness.   The coach will explain the reasons for reduced playing time to a player and attempt to give the player extra instruction in practice to help develop the skills in question.  The player and only the player can discuss playing time with their coach during a tournament.  

Parent Expectations at Tournaments Parents may not approach a coach to question their child’s playing time while at a tournament.   Be a positive influence. Poor sportsmanship can get a team disqualified from further play, at that tournament as well as future events. The time to discuss playing time is at the practice following the tournament and should be between a player and a coach.   We also ask that you understand that the directors are parents first and directors second.  Please allow them the time to watch their child play unless it is an emergency situation.

Conflict Resolution Conflicts may arise between player and coach, parent and coach, or coach and coach. If this occurs, please follow these guidelines for conflict resolution: If there is conflict, direct communication between the two parties should be the first step in attempting to resolve the issue. Players are encouraged to address their concerns to the coach. Such discussion helps to develop the necessary life skill of dealing with conflicts directly, immediately, and in a supportive manner. If the problem is not resolved between the parties, the player and his/her parent should bring the problem to the attention of the coach. If the coach cannot resolve the issue to the player’s and parent’s satisfaction, the conflict should be brought to the attention of the Director(s). ALL communication should occur at a time when the two parties can calmly discuss the concerns, no sooner than after the 24 hour cooling off period.  

Paperwork Please fill out the following paperwork: NCR Junior Girls or Boys Membership Form Letter of Commitment Medical Release Form Rockford JO Volleyball Registration Form

Payments High School Boys Team - $150* Turn in the following payments with your paperwork: $100 check for uniform/volunteer deposit (will be returned when uniform is turned back in at end of season and volunteer expectations have been fulfilled) 10s-11s Team - $175* 12s-18s Girl’s Team - $200* High School Boys Team - $150* $50* Sunday Night Women’s League Opt Out Payment (optional) *non-refundable after the first team practice

Our Website www.rockfordball.com The official website for the Rockford Area Athletic Association (RAAA) and Rockford JO Volleyball is: www.rockfordball.com