A Brief Introduction of MacOS Cheng-Han Du
Apple Inc. Co-founded by Steven Jobs and Steven Wozniak Manufacturing multiple kinds of consumer electronics such as desktop, laptop, mobile computers, etc. Apple gains popularity because of product design.
Apple Inc. Famous products in present day: Mac (iMac, MacBook) iPod iPhone
Computer from Apple Originally, Apple PC is not Intel-based. PowerPC by Apple, IBM, and Motolora (AIM alliance) Transition: from PowerPC to Intel-based PC
Classic Mac OS (1 ~ 9) One of the leading operating system that has a GUI (graphical user interface) Compatibility: Motolora and PowerPC
Classic Mac OS Mac 1 to 7.5
Classic Mac OS Mac 7.6
Classic Mac OS Mac 8 and 9
Mac OS X Mac OS 10.0 “Cheetah”
Current Mac OS X: 10.5
Something about Mac OS X Unix-based system X11 Some command-line environment is much like what can been seen in Unix Support Intel-based CPU (not just PowerPC) Version 10.5 has “Boot Camp” to let you install Windows in your Intel-based Apple PC. However, you cannot install Mac OS X in your PC unless it is made by Apple.
Some Demonstrations