Statistics Explained a new way of publishing statistics (or anything) Scheveningen, December 2009
Statistics Explained? World first: Eurostat’s encyclopaedia of European statistics Statistical data analyzed and explained All concepts and terms defined (glossary) Deep links to more data & metadata (portal) For the general public, not specialists Wikipedia look and structure Open-source Mediawiki software Updated by whole Eurostat staff (870), as a rule not from outside December 2009 Scheveningen: Statistics Explained
December 2009 Scheveningen: Statistics Explained
December 2009 Scheveningen: Statistics Explained
What’s so special? Unique combination of wiki openness and quality control: statistics are guaranteed New channels, new audiences on the Internet Huge impact on publication workflows: Production time drastically shortened Efficient organization-wide collaboration Optimal version control and archiving Huge impact on output: Integration of most existing publication types Web first, print derived Repository for publishing, including ‘publish-it-yourself’ December 2009 Scheveningen: Statistics Explained
Current state Content: Some 150 statistical and other articles across all statistical themes, from economy to crime Supplement by over 600 glossary pages Equivalent to 2500-page paper publication Over 100 contributors (1 in 8 of Eurostat staff) Governance working smoothly, no incident or accident in 8 months’ operation Growing visitor numbers, high google rankings, more bookmarks and links December 2009 Scheveningen: Statistics Explained
The future of publishing Statistical content rapidly expanding and improving, in decentralized way New software development to facilitate navigation and support site management Glossary To be expanded drastically and systematically Multilingual version (23 EU languages) considered Publication workflows being re-engineered Publication strategy reconsidered Web first, as workspace, repository and first line access Publish on demand, to be automated December 2009 Scheveningen: Statistics Explained
Take a look December 2009 Scheveningen: Statistics Explained