Mrs. McKoy edits from Mrs. Pagar and INTEL ISEF Powerpoint SEF Display Boards Mrs. McKoy edits from Mrs. Pagar and INTEL ISEF Powerpoint
Required for Display Board NO NAME OR SCHOOL NAME ON THE BOARD- only written on approved removable tag!!! Title: Fun Title (if you have one) and Question Title Abstract Purpose Statement: Question/Problem Hypothesis Introduction: Background Research; Variables: Independent, dependent, & control; Biblical Application Materials Methods (aka Procedure) Results- Table(s) and graph(s) with proper labeling (i.e. Figure 1. “Insert brief graph description” Or Table #. “Insert brief table description”.)- Make Sure to VERBALLY state major finding Conclusion Equipment, Samples, models that are approved placed in a shoebox Photographs/ Diagrams (Give credit to all photos!) Science Fair ID Label on lower right hand side of display board
Not Allowed in Project Display No living organisms, no plants or plant materials, no preserved animals No human/animal parts or body fluid No lab/household chemicals, including water No poisons, drugs, controlled substances, hazardous chemicals or devices No dry ice or other sublimating solids No sharp items like syringes, knives, needles, pipettes No flames or highly flammable materials No batteries with open top cells No pictures of dissections or surgeries No active email or internet connection No glass or glass objects No apparatus deemed unsafe by adult sponsor and event chair
The following pages contain samples of Display Board Layouts- Please note that not all of the samples or diagrams contain ALL of the information that YOU NEED. Please refer to the “Required for Display Board” list to make sure you have met all of your requirements. These are just examples to give you a better visual idea of how your boards could be organized.