Aim: Take Test / What is el nino & la nina? Do Now: 2/9/11 Aim: Take Test / What is el nino & la nina? Do Now: 1. Take out ESRT, pen, & pencil for weather test. Motivation:
Chris Farley: El Nino
El nino – boy (male) Men usually run warm El nino – boy (male) Men usually run warm. La Nina – girl (female) Women usually run cold.
El Nino: Periods of ocean warming along the Pacific coast of South America. La Nina: Conditions of usually cold ocean temperatures in the Equatorial Pacific following an El Nino.
El Nino: in El Nino years, changes in tropical wind patterns result in reversal of currents in the Pacific Ocean. Normally, surface winds near the equator drive currents east to west. During El Nino year reversed winds blow currents west to east. Changes in wind and currents causes El Nino.
In a Normal Year: Warm water is carried from the west coast of South America to western Pacific Ocean. As surface water moves away, colder, deeper water rises along the coast of South America. This water brings nutrients to the surface that support a large community sea life. During an El Nino Event: Warm water flows along the coast of South America. The supply of nutrients to surface water is cut off. Many fish either die or leave the area.
La Niña (cold) Conditions (December 1998) La Niña (cold) Conditions (December 1998) Normal Conditions December 1993 El Niño (warm) Conditions
La Nina: Conditions of unusually cold ocean temperatures in the Equatorial Pacific following an El Nino. El Nino: Periods of ocean warming along the Pacific coast of South America.
Jet Stream: A narrow band of very fast moving westerly winds at high levels in the middle latitudes.
La Nina Drier Summer
El Nino