Learning-oriented Organizational Improvement Processes Review of selected research with an emphasis on network perspectives
Individual Minds as Learning Networks (e.g., Bransford et al, 2001) Goals Long and short-term memory “Schemata (concepts, ideas) Connections Meaning making Transfer (near and far)
Dyadic Interactions that Result in Learning From Persuasion to Learning Model 1 and Model 2 (e.g., Argyris & Schon, 1976, 1982 Robinson et al, 2014)
Model 1: Persuasion (widely used but seldom espoused) Governing variable: win and avoid losing Behavior: advocacy, non disclosure of purpose, ignore disagreements Consequences: minimizes negative emotions but not much progress, single loop learning
Model 2: Learning (widely espoused but seldom used) Governing variable: seek valid information, respect for self and others, promote internal commitment Behavior: clear about own agenda, inquire deeply into other’s views, check accuracy of understanding Consequences: greater understanding of decision, mutual agreement, double loop learning
Features of District Networks that Support Organizational Learning Some Basic Concepts and Ideas
Some Basic Network Concepts (e.g., Hoppe & Reinelt, 2010) Hubs, nodes and links Bridging, bonding & clusters Core and periphery Density and links per node Directed and undirected links
Example of a Network (Finnegan et al, 2012) Note. Adapted from Shakespeare’s Hamlet, and
Creating More “Effective” District Networks Increase overall connectivity Nurture horizontal connections Establish a strong district core Encourage bridging across clusters
Effective Network Building ….continued Value both strong and weak ties “exploit” the influence of opinion leaders (hubs) Build trust among network members
from Hoppe & Reinelt (2010, p. 607)….. “the time one spends networking informally correlates to career success, whereas the time one spends convening more formally (e.g., meetings)can actually be counter-productive”
Think about one of your own district’s networks….. What are you presently doing that might influence the overall “health” of this network? What else might you do to further improve the health of this network?