What influences young People? Aim: To understand the influences a person’s home and upbringing have on the decisions they make. Plts: Team worker Starter: what influences Young People?
The home Read the information on page 120 about how the home can influence young people. Paired task: Create a spider diagram to summarise what you have read and your own ideas of how home life influences young people. Feedback- How can your home influence your decision making? Choose one person from each team to feedback to the class.
Discussion What are some of the positives and negatives about religious and secular upbringing?
Christianity Watch the following clip from the documentary ‘Westborough Baptists Church.’ This clip interviews a young boy who has been brought up in the church. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DH_wPUVlJ38&feature=related DISCUSS Is religious upbringing always a positive influence on young people?
Islam Read the information on page 121 about how children are brought up in the Muslim faith Team task: Under the heading ‘Islam’, make notes on the religious upbringing of Muslim children.
Watch the following clips of different young people explaining their faith and the impact it has on them http://pof.reonline.org.uk/voices_of_faith/index.php
“Religion is too old fashioned for young people today.” How far do you agree? Give reasons for your answer, showing that you have thought about more than one point of view. Apply your understanding of young people and society when composing a part ‘5’ GCSE style response.
Practice Question What could we include? Could we bring moral codes in? It is old fashioned It is not old fashioned
“Religion is too old fashioned for young people today.” Apply your understanding of young people and society when composing a part ‘5’ GCSE style response.
Plenary “Religion upbringing in the home is necessary to teach young people how to make the right choices in life.”