Status of H-mode confinement Database by K. Thomsen, Kyoto, April 2005


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Presentation transcript:

Status of H-mode confinement Database by K. Thomsen, Kyoto, April 2005 3 new selection variables in DB3v13 (= 1. Extended standard set IAE2004S (= 1); ITER-like standard set IAE2004I (= 1); Non-Ohmic D-only std. set DB3DONLY (= 1); Data table is named DB3v13F on sql server. Pedestal part from PDB3v3 is missing! These datasets will used in the planned documentation.

IAE2004S ( aIV5 from DB3v13) *********** IV.4 Limit li ****************; ** aIV4 =1 : li <= 2 *; aIV4 =0;li=2*(beili2-beimhd);if li<=2 then aIV4=1; ** Assume data within limits if data not available; if li = . then aIV4=1; *********** IV.5 Large IAEA2000 standard dataset ****************; ** aIV5 =1 : Large IAEA2000 standard dataset *; aIV5 =0; ** usual standard dataset; if seldb3=1111111111 then aIV5=1; ** include gas puff data (SELDB3X=????????10); if (aIV1=0 and aIV2=1) and seldb3=1111111011 then aIV5=1; ** include TFTR data; if tok='TFTR' then aIV5=1; ** weaken the non-stationarity conditions for TFTR; if tok='TFTR' then do;if ^(-0.10<=dwmhd/pl<0.35) then aIV5=0;end; ** only elmy data; if substr(PHASE,1,1) ^= 'H' then aIV5=0;if PHASE = 'H' then aIV5=0; ** exclude JET museums shots; if tok='JET' and shot=19971 then aIV5=0;if tok='JET' and shot=43014 then aIV5=0; ** limit temperature ratio; aIV5=aIV5*aIV3; ** exclude high li shots; aIV5=aIV5*aIV4;

IAE2004I ( aIV9 from DB3v13) *** IV.9 ITER like IAEA 2004 equivalent standard dataset ****; ** select from equivalent of large IAEA2000 std set aIV5=1; sm=0;sq=0;sk=0; IF aIV5=1 then do; If TOK='COMPASS' then area=vol/(2*3.142*RGEO); B = abs(BT);i = abs(IP)/1.e6;r = Rgeo;a = amin; k2=kappaa; If kappaa='.' then k2=area/3.1416/(a*a); qcyl=5*k2*a*a*B/(r*i); If 1.833<meff<2.167 then sm=1; If 1.6<qcyl<2.8 then sq=1; If 1.4<k2<1.93 then sk=1; end; aIV9 = sm*sq*sk; IAE2004I = aIV9;

DB3DONLY ( aIV8 from DB3v13). IV DB3DONLY ( aIV8 from DB3v13) ********** IV.7 Deuterium only HMWS2003 standard dataset ***********; ** aIV7 =1 : Deuterium only standard dataset *; aIV7 =0; ** select equivalent of Otto's large IAEA2000 std set; IF aIV5=1 then aIV7 = 1; ** remove old elmy jet shots; If TOK='JET' and SHOT<30000 then aIV7 = 0; ** remove rogue JET shot?; If TOK='JET' and SHOT=37854 then aIV7 = 0; If TOK='JET' and SHOT=37859 then aIV7 = 0; ** limit range in MEFF and PGASA; If NOT ( 1.833<meff<2.167 and Pgasa=2 ) then aIV7 = 0; ********** IV.8 Deuterium only no Ohmic HMWS2003 standard dataset **; ** aIV8 =1 : Deuterium only standard dataset without Ohmic data *; aIV8 = aIV7; ** remove Ohmic data; IF AUXHEAT='NONE' then aIV8 = 0;

OTHER DOCUMENTATION ISSUES Review Sheets for TFTR shots are complete! Review Sheet for JFT-2M shots are complete! List of Normal level of accuracy of data needs to be updated. Data description for NSTX is missing Darren McDonald and I will be asking for help when needed

New Version DB4v1 New data from NSTX New data from JET Review sheets have been made Data descriptions outstanding Pedestal data?

Old Data submission List AUG:New data with Pedestal info FR C-Mod:Maybe data from identity exp. MG DIII-D:New data from dimensionless par. scaling scans JD JFT-2M:Maybe data from latest exp. YM JT-60U: Old high Ti data and recent high density TT TCV:Maybe YM Others: ???? What happened ?????

New Action List