Daniella Wurst Columbia University LASA 2015 Seeing ausencias: Photography, memory and the disappeared in Latin America Daniella Wurst Columbia University LASA 2015
Argentina: Affiliative seeing
Diana Taylor, Disappearing Acts Diana Taylor, Disappearing Acts. Gender and Nationalism in Argentina’s Dirty War Percepticide (Image 1)
Madres Plaza de Mayo (Image 2)
(Image 3)
H.I.J.O.S (Image 4)
Memoria Gráfica de Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo (Abril 2001, Plaza de la Recoleta , Bs. Aires) (Image 5)
L (Image 6)
Ausencias, Gustavo Germano 2008 (Image 7)
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Página 12. 05/02/2008 (Image 12)
Peru: The Paradox in the ethical demand of seeing
(Image 13)
“The act of seeing, of understanding and processing by way of images and testimonies implies a corner of Peruvian society to know the history, to get closer to the truth In this sense, the decision to walk through this house requires a decision to remember” (Exhibit pamphlet) (Image 14)
(Image 15) “How could we create a visual remembrance of the war without fostering more bitterness among this traumatized and wounded population? Peru did not need a photographic chamber of horrors but a sanctuary of truth. Paradoxically, such a place would have to be both a repository for pain and a place that could attract visitors and sustain them during Their confrontation with the terrors of the past. This situation called for art to serve as a palliative against pain: aesthetics and history would be combined to evoke a response of compassion, solidary, and reconstruction. (Chappell and Mohanna, interview, mi enfasis)
(Image 16)
Denuncia, Vera Lentz Ayacucho, 1984 (Image 17)
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